14 May 2016

Learning from life

I do believe that each soul is here for its own learning in its own way and time.  I have learned so much in my life and I am open to learning everything I can - in my own way.  I remember my mother once did a course called 'Life Experience Counts' and the title of that course often plays in my head, especially when I get people telling me to do more formal education.  I have come to know that my path in life is not about how many degrees and diplomas I can gather to appease the will of others.   I am here to learn at least one new thing every day and to enjoy the learning and where it takes me.  I have enough pieces of paper that I can almost not fit them in an envelope to send as a job application and now I'm learning the most important thing for me of all - how to love and appreciate myself and all the work I've done.

In the past I've never really appreciated anything I've done or who I truly am.  This has meant that through the law of attraction I have drawn to me other people who also do not appreciate me.  It has taken time for me to learn to see it this way and now I am ready, I can stop blaming them for reflecting that and focus on loving and appreciating me more, which I am.  As a Capricorn, a masters in life is a pinnacle of learning and, since I let go of the need to judge myself as 'lacking' because I haven't met 'the grade' of whatever imaginary criticism I invented, I am now enjoying my learning immensely.  I've always enjoyed learning, I just also kept an inner whip handy in case I forgot to be serious and now, the whip is in the trash,  the inner child is squealing with delight, the inner parent is fully equipped to nurture and the inner adult is humming along as it is meant to.  All selves at peace simply because I love me, accept me and appreciate who I am more than trying to push myself to be something else, something more, something different.

I am who I am and I am content and happy with that.  Life will reorder itself around my bliss so the only thing for me to do is to enjoy the learning and I do.

May we all enjoy the moment we are in and the divinity is teaches us to be.

Namaste 🌷🌷🌷🌷



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