15 Jul 2014


Many years ago, I heard someone say something.  It sounded utterly horrible to me and I suddenly thought "I don't ever want to be like that".  I solemnly uttered a sincere prayer: "please God, don't ever let me be like that.  Please open my mind, my heart, my eyes and my ears so that I may never say things like that.  Please, please, please don't let me be like them."  

I felt angry at what I perceived that persons attitude to be and I wondered how anyone could think that way.  Over the next few years, I certainly came to understand them better as I learned about my own attitudes, values and beliefs.  I had always considered myself very open minded and non judgmental and I had prided myself on those qualities, boasting often and trying to make others see the errors of their ways.

What I know now is that all was not what it appeared even then and I was seeing what I saw, hearing what I heard and experiencing what I experienced through a very distorted filter that was so clogged up with toxic debris (trauma) that there was very little way anything good could possibly come through it.

I haven't learned this about myself by just thinking about things in my head.  I have had the challenging, difficult, and very humbling, healing honour of massive triggers and 8 years of regular counselling and attending self development workshops and support groups, reading copious books and articles to rip up the old foundations of me and create a new, healthier me to build on.  Maybe it was chipping away the hardened, fear-based shell that had enveloped me for most of my life.  Whatever I was I doing, I'm glad I've done it because these days, I am much more able to look at everything from many different angles and to try and see things from another persons perspective without my old need to control everything and be right!  I had such an attachment to being right that I was almost always wrong :-)

I once attended a workshop where 15 of us, who did not know each other longer than a workshop, were shown a blob of paint.  Each of us were asked to quietly write down what we each saw and not talk while we did it.  We then went round and shared, in turn, what we each had seen.  We all expressed surprise to learn that only 2 people in the group had seen the same thing as each other-all 13 of the rest of us had seen something entirely different from everyone else in the room!! It was a blob of paint they prepared while we all watched.  It was totally random and yet, we all saw something different.  It really made me think about how many assumptions I'd made about others and about the belief I'd had to that point that everyone knew what I knew and everyone heard, saw, felt, etc what I did. No one else experiences what I experience, exactly the way I experience things and vice versa.  

I used to think everyone (yes, the child in me exaggerated it to me that much I believed it was everyone) picked on me.  It was only as my perception changed and I healed thetrauma that I began to see that wasn't even remotely true.  Not EVEROYONE did, it was a few.  There were some really nice people along the way too but I forgot the really nice ones and was convinced the plain nice ones were all in on "it" too.  My fear had totally blackened my lenses to the point that I could only see fear!  I could not have cleaned my lenses by myself without lots of time, support, courage and without people who were brave enough to challenge me because they cared enough to try and help me realise I was not always right. 

 I was not kind, I yelled at them and even mocked them for what I saw as their naïveté and  lack of knowledge, even accused them of not caring or trying to hurt me more.  I tried to tell myself they were horrible too, now they were the ones trying to hurt me, but you know what, eventually I had to stop blaming them for what I refused to see - that I was wrong and, that I was the common denominator in all of my painful experiences - not them, me.

Over time, with lots of stumbles, I finally came to the point where I started to believe that every person in my life is a reflection, either of something I need to learn about me or something I need to learn about others - both so I can be more me and be more loving to myself and everyone else.  Today, if I start to think someone is doing something to me, I try to stop myself as quickly as I become aware of it and turn it back to me with no blame ("if there was no blame June, what would this look like then?").  Sometimes it takes a while to get there but I work towards it anyway because I always fell much better when I can get to that within myself.  I want to be that person.

I no longer believe there is anyone trying to hurt me.  If their behaviour hurts me, they must be in pain coz only hurting people hurt people and I know that hurt so I want to help if I can or leave them to work it out alone (their choice which one). 

 I no longer need anyone to experience what I experience because I am able to more fully experience my own self and my own being in my own way.  I aim to get to a point where I don't ever NEED to be right, be heard, be noticed, be believed, be seen and I might not achieve that but I aspire to it because each step closer to that goal I get, the easier everything is becoming.

I hope others get the chance to get what I've got from my prayer since I first prayed it.  I got pain, heartache, wonder, miracles and joy and I'm getting clarity.  For me, nothing in this world has or will ever change except the way that I look at it - my perception and that is a positive to me.

Onwards and upwards


10 Jul 2014


I find patterns fascinating.  I try to look for patterns in my life, in people, in myself, in the world.  When I am in a grounded, positive and loving place inside, I notice patterns all around me and it feels empowering to me, like fore-thought, a sense of being in control of myself and my destiny.  In a pattern, different people will come to me with same issue or a number of people will say the same words or things will repeat till I notice them repeating.  

The downside of these patterns is patterning, absorbing patterns, being blind to patterns.  Patterns show/tell me what I need in that moment to heal and feel better.  That doesn't mean I will feel better, to me it means that if I look at what I can learn and feel what I feel, the pattern stops and a new pattern emerges.

There are patterns everywhere and the more I heal, the more patterns I notice.  The more patterns I notice, the more I heal.  For example, one day i might have 4 people each mention they are working through abandonment issues and the next day, up comes my core trauma around feeling abandoned.

These patterns can teach me if I pay attention.  I do try and I find that the more I talk to God and 'fill my tank' spiritually, the more I notice the patterns.  It feels almost like pointers from God for where to go next and I like thinking of it like that.

The current pattern I am aware of is inadequacy and fear.  Of course, most patterns contain a fear-based element and I generally am immune to that now but every now and then my baring plunges me back into fear and anxiety and I start to come from ego again which reinforces the fear and makes the pattern invisible again.

Right now, onwards and upwards


6 Jul 2014

Feather or sledgehammer?

I was just reflecting on an option I have been presented with today and I was thinking "thanks God, for another sledgehammer" when I realised that I have known for quite some time where He wants me next and in my usual way,  have put a lot of energy into avoiding the issue. 

I know very well that I will go where God leads for I took that vow some time ago and I did not think for one minute that life would be easier because of it, I just know that I want to make that commitment. I also know that I have historically been a 'sledgehammer' kind of person - never really making life-changing decisions until I get a sledgehammer around the head aka feel forced to make a change.

Recently though, a friend spoke to me about feathers and I put out there at the time that I want to be a 'feather' kind of person and not the sledge hammer kind.  I want to use foresight instead of hindsight to accept the gifts and path that God gives me and let go of the strong attachment I've had to struggling, powerlessness and suffering.

I recognise that part of stepping into my own power is about letting go of the need to be forced, to choose my life willingly and be grateful for what comes to me.  

Here I am today feeling afraid and anxious of change again and all that it may mean; feeling scared and powerless again; the truth is, I have received another feather to lead me towards change, towards my purpose, and if I don't make a willing choice for myself, the sledgehammer is waiting in case I need it.  How much more self abuse do I need to indulge in before I retire that sledge?  


I am choosing the feather today.  

Today I will walk through the door to another life; a life of love, power and choice; a life of service and fulfilment; a life of giving and receiving; a life of learning and growing; a life committed to being all that I was created to be.

Today I will be grateful and am grateful for the feathers and I hereby retire my poor, worn out sledgehammer with love and grace.

Onwards and upwards.
