10 Apr 2016

Sharing the journey

I read somewhere recently that it's not okay to share ones spiritual journey.  I can't remember what that person gave as a reason because I went into fear when I read it.  I have been sharing my spiritual journey to the depth I am able to for the past decade and I have seen evidence that it is vital to share it in some honest way.  I believe that over-sharing is the problem, not sharing of itself.  
When I first began sharing my own journey, I felt terrified I would be judged, mocked, ridiculed and shamed. While there was the odd moment of that, overall it didn't happen.  I believe it didn't happen because I no longer wanted to treat myself that way for having a spiritual experience.  I had begun to have compassion for myself.  

Meeting and acknowledging my Inner Child changed my life for the better.  I've seen some horrible beliefs about the Inner Child and how some people interpret that but I love mine.  Because I've learned to parent my Inner Child and accept responsibility for my Self, I have travelled to a place inside myself filled with bliss, grace, light and love.  I have gone from feeling unsafe everywhere with everyone to feeling safe in almost any situation.  I have grown to care about and for myself and to have unconditional love for myself and others.  I did not even know this was possible before I met my Inner Child.

Through accepting my Inner Child into my daily life, I have become more mindfully aware and empathic about the aspects of me that I once hated, feared, denied and even tried to kill.  I have climbed the highest mountains and traversed the deepest caverns of my Self to emerge from the ashes stronger, taller and wiser than ever.

If no one ever dared to share their spiritual journey with me, o may not have found the courage to go on my own journey inward.  Over time I have received much heartfelt thanks for sharing and I have expressed my own gratitude to others for their sharing with me.  

It's so wonderful to me that I live in a world where emerging from darkness is possible.  There are so many different theories, schools of thought, practices and philosophies available at any time to the average person.  I have felt the freedom of being able to choose which path I take as well as being 'led' and even being 'forced' along a path at different times.  I've had every element of my Self reflected back at me externally and almost died looking into the mirrors and I'm not afraid of who I am any more.  

I am Light and Love and all else is an illusion for me.  So now it's just a case of choosing the thoughts and I want to guide me, feeling the emotions inside me and flowing into the moment with ease.  

I will continue to share parts of my spiritual journey because it is my journey to do so.  I will go on learning healthier ways to share and avoid rescuing others through silence, justifying or over-shares.

Today I feel grateful to have amazing people around me who love me enough to be honest with me too.  That's one of the most amazing gifts I have ever received and I pray I am able to return that gift with the same love.


#love #light #inner child
#soul #mindfulness #gratitude

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