14 Apr 2016

Tasting the Divine Light entering my body through a nose parched and dry, the breath infuses my brain with confusion.  Breathe it all in and down, breathe it all up and out.  Just breathe. After confusion comes clarity.  I know that all I need is to observe the confusion.  There is no reason anywhere for me to engage in it and I won't.  "Hello confusion, thank you for showing up today.  I'm aware you're there and I honour your need.  Right now I AM love and you must wait your turn."

As the confusion leaves quietly and respectfully I breathe in more Light and draw it ever further down through my being, out through the soles of my feet and into the earth beneath me.  Breathing still further down I sense Her heart and breathe in time, feeling her essence and mine begin to mingle, a didgeridoo begins playing in my mind caressing my being as my pulse slows and deepens.  I AM the earth, we are as one.  

The Divinity in my breathe ensures I don't get lost as I slowly begin to rise again, breathing up, floating up, drawing back up, through my glorious body to my own welcoming bosom.  I AM home.  I AM my home.

#love #light #innerchild #soul #angels #mindfulness #gratitude #healing #trauma #depression

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