12 Apr 2016

I was worrying how to pay my phone bill yesterday and still have enough money for food.  Among the blessings today has brought me is a big box of free veggies so I can now pay the bill and eat too.  Blessed abundance yet again.

Today has been a glorious day.  I awoke at exactly 1.11am and as sleep evaded me until about 5.30 and I have no lights, I did some affirmations and chatted with God to pass the time.  I received some very profound healings and self forgiveness so many tears of gratitude rained down my cheeks.  I then spent the day with a dear sister-friend I hadn't seen in quite a few years and it was like no time had passed even though we have both grown so much.  Arriving home I found my earth-angel husband had all of the garden dug up ready for planting out.  Then I got a message from an angel-sister and a sweet cousin so I also rang my mother quickly.  All in all, my day was filled with angels and blessings today and I feel so grateful that I too got be of help to there again.


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