18 Apr 2016

A New Leadership Paradigm

Operating a business is not always easy and many people find it too frustrating or challenging to continue on as owners.  Even employees can struggle with the high demands in business.  One of the biggest and most divisive issues is leadership.  At this time around the world, there is a complete paradigm shift occurring in the management of organizations everywhere.  Many are struggling, even though they may have been successful before.  While the focus has historically been on success, money, egocentricity, top-down authoritarianism and physical existence, there is a huge shift happening now towards more ethical, moral, socially aware, heart-centered, unified, integrated leadership as the world itself moves more markedly in this direction.  One of the biggest issues facing leaders is how to cross the bridge between doing and being; how to walk the talk of the organizations own values and philosophies.  It's quite difficult for older leaders to contemplate and many will make the choice to stay historic.  They will refuse to cross that bridge as it will seem easier to them to do what they have always done.  The trouble is they may not now get what they have always got from this, with more empowered employees who want to live their joy, to find fulfillment in their job, leaders who want to cling to the old way of 'bossing' and 'directing' may very well find that the work environment gets either very stormy or very lonely.  Those employees who don't kick and scream at the seeming heartlessness of their leader will simply leave and find another workplace that meets their needs and over time, the energy of the organization will become so deflated and stagnant that people will stop coming and success will cease to exist, eventually the business will cease to exist too.

Volunteer organizations will have the most noticeable impacts on their businesses and morale because their employees are only there to meet the needs of their own hearts in the first place.  Money is not motivation for volunteers and a leader who won't cross the bridge will struggle to motivate volunteers.  Volunteers will be much more likely to leave fairly quickly if the 'job' doesn't feel right or the organization doesn't uphold its own values and philosophies.

There are some simple ways to create harmony and support your business during these times.  The most important way though is self reflection.  If I own or lead a business, I am the 'brand', I am the publicity, the marketing for the brand.  Who I am and who I be is more likely to affect my business than any other single factor.  Who I am and what my message is will be what people unconsciously and consciously judge.  So it's me I need to shine the spotlight on first if I really care about my business and the people who will ultimately make my business work.


#business  #leadership #management #heartcentredleadership #love #light  #soul  #mindfulness #healing #trauma #depression 

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