29 Dec 2016

Image sourced from: https://tarotbycecelia.com/2015/11/04/new-moon-in-scorpio-wednesday-november-11-2015/

Letting go is so important in the pursuit of happiness for me.  At the end of each year I have long paused to reflect on what 'theme' I want my new year to have.  Similar to a New Years resolution, creating a theme gives me focus for the year ahead.  It is only over the past few years that I recognised I have also been letting go of things which might hold me back too.  Now that I accept that every moment of my life has purpose and meaning and that it happens exactly as it's meant to with or without my awareness, I am being mindful of letting go of more.  Letting go frees me up to embrace life and to love more openly and I have held on to so much for so long in order to be who I am now but, there is so much I no longer need or want so it's time to let go of it all with love, passion and intention.  

I have long noticed that December has a different energy to the rest of the year.  I saw for a long time that any issues in my community that may have been simmering all year, usually come to a head in December.  By January they had either opened up volcano-like for honesty, clearing and healing or, they had just disintegrated and died again.  For me, that's what December is for - letting go.  Just as we spring-clean our homes in Spring, so too can we use that season to Spring-clean our inner world, dusting, cleaning, preparing for the hot burn of summer to rush through like wildfire and turn the undergrowth of our unconscious to cinder so new growth can occur.  In my incredible Australian environment there are trees and grasses that will not germinate and grow new seedlings without the scorching blaze of a tremendous bushfire and, this week as I gently and mindfully collect one such grass for rejuvenation purposes, I'm also aware of how much my inner world needs the same fire from time to time.

I think it's that fire that most of us fear and have forgotten to tend.  The coals burn for aeons within and slowly heat until the pressure builds enough to slough off any dross we've collected.  Occasionally a wild-fire whips up within, destroying everything in its path so we can rise again from the ashes and recognise the strength and wonder of who we truly are underneath our illusionary fears.  After the fire, new growth gently pushes through and grows is into a whole new being with a wiser and more sturdy countenance.  We truly are as nature and yet many of us have no memory of that, no desire to know.  In Remembering Unity, I'm choosing to know, choosing to embrace this wisdom within and without.  The more I learn to love and accept myself, the more I love and accept nature.  I AM nature.  Nature I AM.  

The outside temperature here today is hovering around 40C and it's hot!! There is a strong, hot wind.  Conditions are right for a huge bushfire and I pray there are none of those without.  I am reflecting though on how I can use the metaphor that nature is providing to sear the year away from me and let it go before it ends.  This year I've had a tremendous experience of really aligning myself with everything of my need to be Remembering Unity - remembering that I'm one with all things.  I have chosen to reflect on everything I can and transmute it into love because that is who I AM.  I've recognised that all of the 'stuff' I had not previously let go of was serving a purpose for me and I accepted it, acknowledged it, respected it, thanked it, forgave it and myself and, turned it into gold within.  Knowing myself as I do, I know that I will never again hold resentments long; never hate again for more than a moment; never forget to be love for any length of time.  Although never is a long time and I really am only human, I'm not able anymore to embrace those conditions without awareness.  Even my unconscious mind grasps the importance of choosing love now so all negatives quickly flip over to become lessons and gratitudes, usually within moments.

Over the next two days I am focussing my reflecting on everything I choose to let go of.  On New Years Eve I will light my internal bonfire and gratefully hand to that fire everything that has fully served its purpose for me in this life.  I will gratefully and mindfully let go of pain, trauma, negativity, suffering, control issues and more as I pick up my heart and foray into a new and exciting day, month, year and life.  As the Phoenix rises within, so She will rise without and I AM the Phoenix now so I know how to fly above the cinder and dance through the sky again.  Namaste.



lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

#innerchild #mindfulness #inspiration #healing #awakening #light #selflove #soul #unity #gratitude  #mythoughts #livinglife #love #remembering #beingreal  #divinity #gabriel #healingtrauma #follow4follow #faith #god #grace #trust #peace #hope #wisdom #compassion #forgiveness #thankful #meditation

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