1 Aug 2016

Burning up

Initially I stopped eating meat of any kind a few weeks before Christmas because my mouth was excruciatingly painful and I could not afford to visit the dentist more than once.  I asked my Inner Child what I needed to do and she told me straight out to stop eating meat.  As it was my molars most affected, it made sense and I stopped that day with the pain subsiding drastically over the next two weeks.  Stunned, I researched it and worked out how I could safely adapt my lifestyle to vegetarian.  Over the Christmas break, I went interstate to see my beloved children and grandchildren and made the choice to eat anything while I was away as Christmas in the country would be almost impossible without meat.  For the next 10 days I ate whatever I felt like and my mouth got more and more sore each day.  By the end of the year I knew I had a permanent choice to make so I went ahead and made meat-free eating my New Years resolution.   I have not eaten any kind of meat since December 31 and I don't miss it at all.  My mouth settled down again quickly and I began adding oil-pulling to my morning routine to further support my mouth in healing.  So far not bad.  

The next thing to go was animal protein, I decided to adopt a vegan  dietary choice.  I had been having symptoms of ill health since a workplace trauma in June of last year and had been researching how to relieve the symptoms.  I got married in July, I left the unhealthy work environment and stopped smoking cigarettes in August, and by September there were all of these strange symptoms to deal with.  My immune system went completely haywire, my emotions went ballistic, I succumbed to flu for the first time ever, I was completely exhausted ALL the time and could only sleep for about an hour at a time, I was weepy, I gained 14 kg in a couple of months, I isolated and I began burning up inside.  Combined with amenorrhea, I thought I was menopausal but maybe not?  I trawled the Internet looking for anything that might help me make sense of this mystery and I found Kundalini.  Suddenly my whole life made sense and so did my mystery illnesses.  I discovered that a much revered teacher named Yogi Bhajan had suggested a vegan diet to support the rising Shakti in awakening so I decided to give it a go.  I figured that if I was right and this Kundalini was awakening within me, I wanted to do whatever I could to ease its passage and I certainly did not want to hold it up and prolong my suffering.  I had huge, itchy hives I could not otherwise explain and it drove me nuts for months.

I stopped my antidepressants as I figured my dr had wanted me to go off them for about 4 years and I resisted because I was doing better than ever.  Now I was having all the mental health symptoms I'd had pre-medication so what was the point of taking the meds anymore.  I'd worked tirelessly for 12 years learning to support myself in a psychologically healthy way so I felt confident I could manage.  I kept a few doses in case I was wrong and needed to take them again.  I researched protein, calcium and vitamin requirements and prepared myself, I was not looking forward to giving up cheese.  The other foods were simple but I really loved cheese.  I stopped having coffee at the same time and, once I cut out all animal proteins, my mouth let me know that all sweeteners had to go too, not just the unnatural or processed ones, all sweeteners.

All of this happened within weeks.  The real challenge lay in not having a fridge, a freezer, or an income.  My stove is a barbecue so I had to get very creative.  At first I just stocked up on tinned vegetables but soon became sickened by the salt and sugar in them all.  I began to plan a vegetable garden and kept trying to come up with creative recipes that did not need to be kept in a fridge.  We then got a tiny, gas fridge which lasted about 3 months before it packed it in.  By then, we had a tiny income again, enough to buy a little fresh produce each week.  My husband dislikes vegetables intensely so it has all been interesting and he has been as super-supportive as always.  

The best part of all this was that it worked.  After a bit more online research, I began attending healing meditations at Shanti Mission twice a week as well as Satsang.  I attend their healing clinic each week for Ignite Your Spirit therapy and I began learning how to do it for myself.  I also raised my vibration further with daily meditations at home 5x p/wk.  After about 6 months, all of the symptoms slowly subsided and the itching stopped, the internal heat that kept skyrocketing through my body cooled down and my temperature and emotions returned to normal - until last weekend.  I decide to have a vegetarian weekend and I ate cheese.  Not just once but 5 times over 4 days!! Now I'm remembering why it cannot happen again.  My immune system has enough to deal with in negotiating the Kundalini energy and I need to have compassion for my body through this.  My blood tests are showing the healthiest levels I've seen ever in my life and today the heat is surging again, threatening like feelings of spontaneous internal combustion.  For my sanity I cannot consume animal proteins, caffeine, sweeteners, or any other nervous system stimulants.  My body is counting on me and I'm not going to let it down.  I owe it to myself to respect my body's needs and this has been such a powerful reminder of that.  I'm so grateful to my body and my self and now I'm off to chant a mantra, breathe deeply and mindfully, 'earth' myself and 'ground' into the moment again while I ho'oponopono myself, my past selves and my sympathetic nervous system.  This body is doing a fantastic job of helping me to survive and thrive and I'm gunna show my appreciation.

During all this my senses have become so acute that life blisses me out with every meal and every sunset.  My moods and emotions are more stable now than at any other time in my life.  Joy is a regular companion of mine now and my mind has received a peace-boost of epic proportions.  The gratitude I feel for my entire life and all of my experiences is profound and deep and the sensation of being able to be present in my own skin is sometimes indescribably amazing.    My dietician, psychologist and dr are more than happy with my health and so am I.  I cry a lot of happy tears and feel an incredible amount of love for all creation.  This is the state of being I had worked so hard to attain.  I'm here now and I can relax, just breathe and be myself.  There is still old toxins rising for release but each day is easier than the last and I'm okay.  This life truly is a miracle that I'm glad to be part of.



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