5 Sept 2016

What the brain believes is real, IS real for the brain

Neuroscience is only a relatively new science, born within the last century and expanding with the advent of technologies like CAT scans, PET scans,  MRI and fMRI scans.  Although many people held beliefs about neuroscience that are now being proven true, it took the world time to gather enough proof to accept the incredible claims of this new science.  According to Norman Doidge in his book "The Brain That Heals Itself", it was only in the year 2000 that science proved and accepted as fact that our brains are plastique - changeable at any time in our lives, no matter what.  Up until then science told us that the brain we are born with is the brain we are 'stuck' with and if any harm befell our brain during our lifetime, bad luck for us.

Neuroscience has proven that plasticity is real and healing has gone to a whole new level of miraculous in many arenas.  Not the least amazing is the proof that anything we believe is real to our brain: the brain does not know the difference between real and imaginary.  Many people have experienced first hand that beliefs have a stronghold on the mind but now science has caught up.  Whatever we choose to believe, whether consciously or unconsciously, our brain accepts as fact, no matter how absurd.  This is why serial killers, despots and terrorists can do what they do - they believe their own mind totally.  Every one of us at some point in our lives falls prey to this natural phenomenon.  In fact most of us are slaves to our own beliefs if not to the beliefs of others because of this ability of the brain.  The great thing is that now science has announced this giant breakthough of mind science, millions of ideas are springing up around it in order to support it.  Sure, some of the ideas are only to capitalise on the capacity to create money from selling it to people but even that supports others in embracing it as a paradigm so even as a marketing ploy it still has benefits to everyone else who doesn't 'buy' it.

I've known for a long time that I can choose my thoughts, beliefs and feelings and that although the brain needs time and practice to get there, I can change my whole reality through my choices.  Because it's still early days for our species to have this knowledge, there is a fair bit of ridicule, disbelief, victim consciousness, blame and other manifestations of cognitive dissonance to navigate but this is the future:  we really can change our reality by choosing our thoughts and our feelings and the possibilities from that are endless.
Similarly fascinating to me is that the major religions have all been trying to share this knowledge for eons but most of humanity has been unready to fully absorb it yet and is only now beginning to 'wake up'.  Hopefully now our brains can let go of the fear, paranoia, blame, shame, guilt, hatred and arrogance we've been levelling at each other for the past how many thousand years and open our hearts (and minds) up to believing that love is real so that our brains can believe it too and love can become reality in our world.


ॐ ॐ ॐॐ ॐ ॐ
lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

#mindfulness #life  #healing #followforfollow #awakening #light  #unity #spiritualgrowth  #mythoughts   #peaceonearth #remembering
#weareallinthistogether #om #aum
#soulwomancircles #goddessarchetype

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