2 Sept 2016

Unconditional Love

I used to consider my life hard, impossible even.  There was nothing at all I could find gratitude for before my children came along.  Even the greatest love paled quickly for me as my ego found purchase in judgment and blame, overwhelmed with fear and terror at the depth of the enormous emotional energy I did not know how to feel.  My children taught me how to open up my heart and mind.  Although I never understood why, I always knew and believed that my children were a Divine gift; on loan to me for a time to teach me about unconditional love.  Believing that and believing that it was temporary was the first key I received to opening myself up to oneness and to feeling grateful for life.  Believing I was not entitled to eternity with my beloved babies made me determined to feel grateful for everything about them and I do.  I feel grateful for the colour of their hair; for the joy in their smiles; for the sounds of their voices; for hearing them say "I love you mum"; for the beautiful babies they now have too; for the wonderful partners they share their lives with; for their patience with my mistakes; for their ability to love me unconditionally; for having the courage to make their own mistakes; for their ability to accept and forgive others.  My kids are not any more perfect than I or anybody else is but I am eternally grateful they came into my life at all.  The love, gratitude, strength, courage, determination and compassion they opened up in me is incredibly strong and pure.  As I open myself up to life and love in the fullest way possible, I feel the energy of all life coursing through every moment and through my own being and I feel again the gratitude borne of the existence of my children in my life.

This past week has held experiences even greater than the  monumental moments I've already encountered in my life to this point.  I used to think my life was too big; too painful; too chaotic; too much for me.  While huge things came into my life and I tossed amongst the waves of it, I've come to see there is a reason and all I have ever really had to do is to let go.  My reactions to those big things made them bigger than they really were.  As all matter and all of life is energy, it's really all the same size.  I mean: atoms are atoms after all.  My worry and attention is what creates the perception of big, bigger, biggest, and my ego creates the illusion of fear around it all, keeping me small.  As I let go of more fear this week and embraced more love and more life, I was blessed with energy exchanges that left me blissed out with gratitude.

My heart is now open to a capacity I had not expected.  I've known for years now that I am in this life for Love: to feel love, know love, experience love, practice love, touch love, breathe love and be love. I know everything that happens for me, to me, around me and through me is Love but that has just been a 'knowing' that has carried me through to today with faith.  Now though I can feel it too in a very different way.  Last week I pictured my son as a baby, recollecting a moment from my extensive memory banks and as I imagined him there, I saw myself with him, his mother loving him with all that I was.  I suddenly felt that love filling me up in the now as it must have filled him then and I was awestruck in this moment of now by how incredible that love feels.  I was awestruck at how much love I have to give, at how amazing the energy of it felt, of how much more I have and of how multi-dimensional it really is.  

Yesterday it happened again and this time it was a photograph of strangers that I was looking at.  3 Gurus were in front of me in this photo and I was breathing in life with purpose as I sat thanking the people in the photo for having the courage and love to do the work necessary to become Divine channels of Love, Light And Peace in this lifetime as I myself have sworn to do.  My heart was filled with gratitude for the opportunities so many receive by these people serving humanity as themselves and as I cried out in loving gratitude, I felt the energy of my own Love come back into me from that photograph.  It took my breath away and I collapsed in joyful, awed tears.  There were not enough 'thank you's I could utter in that moment, alone in a small room.  It was magical and it was Love.  I allowed that energy to fill me and open my own heart and mind wider still.

Today I breathe in the love and gratitude I now have for my entire life and every moment of it so far.  I've broken through a huge blockage within me during this past year and have reached the point I always knew I'd reach - where there is no longer anything for me to forgive and I truly love all of life and all people unconditionally - even myself.  Oh happy day.


ॐ ॐ ॐॐ ॐ ॐ
lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

#innerchild #mindfulness #life #inspiration #vibration #healing #followforfollow #awakening #light #selflove #raiseyourvibration #unity #spiritualgrowth #soul #gratitude #love  #mythoughts   #energy #livinglife #positivevibes #peaceonearth #remembering #worklifemyway #beingreal #beingtrue #ॐॐॐ
#weareallinthistogether #om #aum

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