14 Feb 2016

I am on an incredible journey into me that is like riding a tsunami.  All old programmes and thought patterns disintegrating, memories rising unbidden and uncalled, feelings bubbling up and flowing through continuously.  Triggered constantly but, not overwhelmed. I'm on a surfboard riding the waves of my Soul and re-establishing who I am within myself.  

It is an extremely right-brained process and I am parenting myself through ensuring that my body, mind and spirit are equally supported, engaged and encouraged at all times.  Physical Movement to stimulate neural growth; vegan diet to encourage highest vibration for cellular activity and repair;  cessation of physical addictions including caffeine, sugar and nicotine; prayers and chants to nourish my spirit and maintain my faith in God; meditation to enhance the ability to think more positively and connect to God even more intimately; yoga to support the body, mind and brain through mindful breath; crying, laughing and yelling when I need to release energy;  cleaning etheric energy daily; service to help others so my heart stays open; music and mantras to feed my soul; gentle manual labour at least once p/wk to stretch my body and earn money to buy food; daily research on what I'm experiencing on all levels so that I can engage my left brain and enhance the top-down, bottom-up processing that is suffering right now through these natural processes.

Most of what I thought I understood about trauma and abuse has changed dramatically, along with a lot of other things I once 'knew' but in their place is an understanding so profound, holistic, stupendous and divine that I'm still trying to absorb it all.  

Needless to say, my most recent trauma has turned out to be a real blessing precipitating an awakening of unparalleled proportions for me.

I am so grateful to my kids and step kids for teaching me how to love angel-babies so I can love myself into being.

I'm grateful too, to my husband, the couple of close friends who have stayed in touch and the Facebook friends who sent messages of support while I thought I've been drowning inside.  I cannot measure the love in my heart for you all.

Onwards and upwards.
June Parkin 2016 πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

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