16 Feb 2016

I've spent most of my life trying to change who I am because I perceived that no one in my life could see who I really was nor accept me as I was.

I've changed so many things about myself that didn't fit and I have known for a long time that those things that didn't fit were not really me anyway.  Those things were just bits I picked up from others along the way.  Spiritual, emotional and mental flotsam and jetsom that I was never meant to adopt.  I didn't know how to keep my spirit clean so it got infected just like my mind and body once did.  Now I'm 'clean' again and learning at my next level.  Funnily enough a friend tried to convince me to go to uni and get a degree, I figure that 1 masters at a time is enough.

I accept and love myself exactly as I am right now.  I feel supremely grateful to my husband, my friends and my children for showing me how to.  I remember once feeling hurt because I was told I had not changed a bit and I was devastated because I had worked so hard but my love for that person showed me they could not see it because they only ever saw the core of me anyway and.... They are right-that has never changed.

At my core I am pure Love and I intend to be that for eternity.

June Parkin 2016

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