18 Feb 2016

Today in feeling better emotionally and mentally. I realise now that my 'story' IS that I am being burned in a fire - purified and cleansed.  A couple of weeks ago I made peace with the fact that I am having 5 high days and 2 low days each week, which is not too bad really.  Yesterday I just forgot that and fell back into pain, back into the coals in the pit.  Another lesson, another gift.  I love you June and it's okay to have a low day, you are human after all.  

In this purification process, I believe all that is still I healed is rising up and leaving my mind, body and energy field.  I know it's happening, I can feel it and I'm really grateful, even on the lower days.  Those low days are the days that raise up the gunk so I can feel what's there and let it go and, those 2 days probably 'ground' me too 'cause on the other 5 days I feel so blessed to be alive that I could possibly stay forever in the ether if not for those wonderfully helpful 2 low days each week.

Onwards and upwards
Jhundi P ❤️❤️

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