2 Nov 2016


As I heal myself I become more aware of everything I'm not and everything I am.  I AM not fear, I AM Love.  For years I was a conspiracy theorist, full of fears, egoistic 'certaintanties' that the whole world was being held captive in a dream outside our own control.  Now that I've awoken myself, I see a much different reflection in this amazing and incredible world.  Now that I believe in the power of unconditional love and can accept myself as I am, I can accept everything else the same way too.  I was reflecting this morning on the journey I've had to learn to acknowledge, recognise, respect and stop abusing my Inner Child.  It was only 12 years ago that I first heard of the concept of the Inner Child and I was very confused by it.  I remember the cognitive dissonance that I entered into over that and how I initially made my peace with it - I accepted that I had a "Self" and that Self was an infant who needed love as much as any other child.  It would be another two years of daily counselling before I realised the only person who could give my Self that love was me.

I began learning how to parent myself and how to be more loving to me.  The fabulous flow-on from that was being able to be more loving to others and having that reflected back too, my whole world changed.  Where I had primarily been surrounded by reflections of abuse and horror, I now became surrounded by reflections of caring and support.  It was a tremendous next decade as I volunteered and worked to support others and teach others how to support themselves in parenting themselves too.  I thrived, excelled, and I soared.  I came to know, acknowledge and accept every infinitesimal atom of myself that I discovered and, I learned to be patient and accept life as it is.

Learning to love myself helped me to release the need that my ego has to fear everything.  I once feared all people without even giving them a chance.  Not now, now I see the love at the core of each person, including me.  Now I see that every person, experience, place and thing has its own purpose for being.  Now I see that the politicians have their life purpose just as I do and they too are love at their core, doing the best they know how, serving humanity simply by being themselves.  Now I see events unfold as lessons not labours and I can choose pain or bliss by my thoughts.  Now I see disasters reflecting humanity back to itself in necessary ways.  Now I see I AM one with all and Light is all there really is and there ever has been.

I've spent months doubting this new awareness, doubting myself, curled up in freeze most days while my soul and my ego waltz around in my consciousness learning to to and fro.  It's been scary and amazing and there's still a few steps to inculcate but mostly, I'm now up to the Cha Cha and the samba.  The music is coming back to me in ways I've always trusted, I don't know who I AM is yet but I know who I AM is enough and I'm okay.  I know there is no big conspiracy unless it's meant to be and I know that I believe in Unity so I'm finding my true joy.  I hope you have as good a day as I'm having.


ॐ ॐ ॐॐ ॐ ॐ
lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

#innerchild #mindfulness #life #inspiration #healing #followforfollow #awakening #light #selflove #raiseyourvibration #unity #spiritualgrowth #soul #gratitude #love  #mythoughts   #energy #livinglife #positivevibes #peaceonearth #remembering #worklifemyway #beingreal #beingtrue #ॐॐॐ
#weareallinthistogether #om #aum

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