25 Mar 2016

Emotion is the energy created by our feelings.  Emotion needs motion, needs to move, to flow through us in order to be released in a healthy and helpful way.  Our brains and nervous systems physiologically depend on this.  We need this release for optimum health and healing.  Without this release, this 'flow', our nervous system goes into crisis and creates whatever attention it can to wake us up to the internal danger it is perceiving. Some of the ways our brain cries out are: anxiety, aggression, depression, illness, self harm, nagging, criticizing, bullying, behavioral issues, passivity, and much more.  This emotional flow is vital for our health on all levels.  All our brain is doing here is trying to 'reset' the nervous system and create an opportunity for touch.

The brain cannot distinguish between safe and unsafe touch, all it can do is crave what it needs and let us know.  Behaviours will escalate if the need is not fulfilled.  The next time you find yourself affected by one of these behaviors just try looking into your own eyes on a mirror or other reflective surface, say how you're feeling right then ("I feel anxious") and then let yourself know it's normal to have that feeling because it really is.  Then give yourself a hug, a hand massage, get someone else to hug you, even your dog or cat-get some safe touch and then, find a way to release that energy.

If you pay attention to the energy and notice where it is in your physical body, you can then help it release.  Walk it out, cry it out, punch a cushion, breathe it out like a dragon would, kick in a pool of water, star jumps.  Listen to your body and let it guide you instead of your head.  Your body is actually designed to let you know what it needs and it's trying really hard to do that.  

There is no reason to be a slave to our behaviour if we use the gifts of our body, mind and spirit together for our own highest good.

Onwards and upwards
June Parkin

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