9 Mar 2016

As the driver of the physical vehicle for my soul, there are things that I can do to enjoy the ride more.  The car I drive is a great external reflection for this.  Take my car for example: I have been working tirelessly for months on cleaning out all toxicity, negativity and lack of self love that was still within me but, my car is now attracting more dust than ever before.  The 'cleaner' I get on the inside, the more noticeable the muck that's left becomes.  While I once would have moaned and despaired that it was all pointless because it's just going to get dirty again anyway, I can now rejoice that I must be getting very clean indeed if the muck is hanging on so tightly now.

As I do in life, I scrape the dust off my car and keep on working towards self love.  Soon the dirt will learn that it is now wasting it's time with me as I simply love and accept it as part of who I am.  It can't ruffle me or stick to me anymore, no matter how much of it there is or what ingenious little places it surfaces.  It's a natural part of nature and, it's dirt.  I can just keep grounding myself with it to remind me I'm having a human experience.

I was laughing the other day about how I get my car serviced regularly with devotion and was, at the same time saying I was never going to a doctor again because I can heal myself.  As I heard it I realised that the doctor is my body's mechanic and so in going today for a service and checkup.  I've also changed the fuel for my body.  The accelerator has been flat to the floor in my nervous system for 47 years and extra care needs to be taken now.  I've been learning how to ease the brake on for the past 12 years and now I'm learning how to put the cruise control on and just go a little slower to start with.  I've gone almost totally vegan in listening to my body and now I'm going to use Ayurvedic wisdom to give myself a tune up.  5 rhythms dance, meditation, mantras, singing, music, research and prayer keeps the motor purring nicely in me now and, treating myself like the Rolls Royce SP that I am is so much wiser and more beneficial than treating myself like the beat up old Torana I used to flog to death.

I'm learning to clean out the dust and apply a waxy shine to my energy system and to flow more smoothly through traffic (other people).  There are so many allegories I can use between the vehicles of my car and body and it feels good to have more tools to help me wake up the love inside.

Onwards and upwards
Jhundi P

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