5 Dec 2015

Into the shadow

Into the shadow I creep. Would it be safe to plunge? I long to for a moment but fear holds me still. Why do we hesitate to know our whole selves? Why do we gladly embrace the light and and I forcefully the shadow? At what point in our general existence did we lose the knowledge of self? While we fear our shadow, we deny it and push away from peace. Into the shadow I creep as I dare not plunge, lest I cannot find my way back to the light. Creeping and checking.  Looking constantly at the light for reassurance. I fear the shadow but I'm realising it is a necessary part of awareness and so I creep into the shadow. One breath at a time.

I am the part of you that you fear most. I am the part of you that comes alive the quickest, makes you feel the strongest. I am the part of you that you do not acknowledge or let others see. I hold your darkest desires in my bosom, allowing you to reach for the light. I am the part of you that avenges injustice, invokes retribution, voices anger and pain. I am that part of you that helps you cry and heal. I am with you always, allowing your light to dominate so you can feel worthy.  I am the shadow and I am part of you as night is part of day. I will nurture you out of your numbed state and return you to your light, for to stay with me always, you would lose your 'self'.  Fear me, know me, accept me, but let us stay distanced.  Stay in the light but face me. Don't deny me or forbid me. I am the shadow and you need me to be whole.

© June Parkin 2007

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