10 Jan 2013

đź’•đź’•unconditional love means just thatđź’•đź’•

I take many things literally, sometimes too literally but I know now that is one of the effects of trauma - parts of my brain not firing quite as they might had trauma not occurred. Sometimes, taking things literally can be a blessing. Don't get me wrong, it often means I oversimplify to the point of seeming abrupt, unempathic, obtuse or sarcastic and that is no blessing. The blessing is when a term like unconditional love presents and because I'm a "why" person, I need to pull the phrase apart and explore it to the nth degree to understand it entirely from every conceivable angle.

Unconditional love to me means: love without conditions being applied. Loving even though the other persons' behaviour might be unacceptable; loving enough to be vulnerable and honest and not expecting others to love me the same way or better; having no expectations of others to receive my love or extend love towards me; accepting others for who they are and not needing to control or change them; letting go when it's time to move on; even loving those who hurt me-whether they mean it or not.

For me, love is not just about being kind, it is about being real. It is something that happens on a soul level. It is mystical, magical and majestic. Love is the fabric of existence, weaving a brilliant tapestry of souls across time and space, creating joy, peace and harmony for all who open up to it. Love is healing and healthy and is not controlling or clingy. It is letting go and it is being firm and true, consistent and congruent. Love is feeling sorry when someone else is hurting, whether I believe I contributed to their pain or not. Love is standing my ground, allowing others to stand theirs, and if needed, agreeing to disagree. Love is respect that does not have to be earned but I offer it freely anyway. I believe all beings are love and that we exist to be love. I believe life is a journey home to love and I believe God is love. I believe all beings are one with God, that we are as one-perfectly formed from love-unconditional love-love without strings attached.

I believe in love and I love believing. xxjxx

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