4 Jan 2014

Another new year

Hello 2014!!

I had a fabulous Christmas wih the people I love most in this world. Lots of hugs, kisses and relaxation.  I've had a few triggers and a few sadnesses and they have moved through me with ease as I have learned to allow that to happen.  No more trapped e-motions, let it go!  Life is so much fun without the baggage of yesteryear :-) 

I've decided that this year is the year I'm going to get a home of my own again.  I've devoted the past 10 years to rebuilding myself and my life and it's time now to put down roots again and honour myself with my own home.  I worked ferociously hard to own one before and I feel ready to do it again in a healthier, more balanced way this time.

I'm not looking for a 'dream' home with all the mod cons although I would like one with running water, electricity and maybe internet reception. I will be very happy to merely get approval for a home loan but of course, I need to apply for one first and therein lies the challenge -saving for a deposit.

I have owned 2 homes before and was scrupulous in paying the mortgage.  I know that once I have the loan, the rest is easy for me.  Saving has never been a strong point for me though and I will need to learn how to do it successfully.  Due to the high costs of real estate, I will need to save at least $30,000 and it will take time to do that.  It will take perseverance and I will need to really apply myself and go back to being frugal without being miserly.  I can do it, I just need to start.  I need to see a mortgage broker to assess my position and get information.  I've redone my budget so I know what I can save and I've worked out I can afford repayments on $200,000 which is just enough to buy a home in my area.  It doesn't matter if the place needs work, I just want my own home again and it's time now to make it happen.  

Wish me luck 


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