4 May 2011

scattered today

I feel scattered today and that's okay.

I've just read Lost Boy by Brent Jeffs and I'm glad I did coz I was able to relate to so many of his feelings from his childhood and it reminded me of how the effects of trauma are equally pervasive no matter what the experience that caused them.

Trauma has phisical as well as psychological effects and the physical health problems I have now can actually be directly linked to the effects of trauma.

I want to say too, that Jhundis story may be too detailed for some and if this is you, please stop reading.  I need to write this story for my own peace and healing and it has been suggested to me that many people will gain something from reading it.  This is not for people to vicariously traumatise themselves in reading it!  Please take responsibility for keeping your self safe and know when you have read enough.
I am finding this exercise very therapeutic and have no desire to hurt another with my story.

much love xxjxx

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