26 Aug 2016

Loving me through my Inner Child is healing everything

When I first discovered my Inner Child I wanted to know more about the concept of the Inner Child.  I had a lot of fear around everything back then and I felt scared I was being taken advantage of.  I began to look online for research and evidence and at first what I found shocked me.  Dozens of people saying really horrible things about their Inner Child.  Page after page of rants, insults and outright abusive comments towards their own inner child and I felt really sad reading them.  None of what I was reading resonated with my own experience of my Inner Child and I wondered how anyone could hate or blame their Inner Child.  For quite a few years I worked to become the best Parent to my Inner Child that I could possibly be.  I came to realise that I had not just one Inner Child but a huge Inner Family to lead.  At times it was daunting but in placing myself in the role of Inner Mother/Father, I felt a strong desire to love and protect. Even though I thought at times I must be crazy, my heart told me it was vital to keep going.  As I studied the theory behind it from hundreds of different schools of thought and by walking alongside others as they learned, I came to realise that loving the Inner Child is all about self-love and self-acceptance, self-responsibility, self-governance, spirit, self-respect, soul, divinity, devotion, faith, unity, self-esteem, learning to dance with life, embracing the shadow of who we are and much more.  The Inner Child for me is a way to get to know who I am at the very core of my being.

From my Inner Child I came to learn what my body was trying to tell me.  That different aged children may not have the words but can show me in other ways.  I found that when I had held onto energy at a certain age, I had also held onto the details and stories that I perceived was surrounding that energy so that I could come back later and unblock that energy if I chose to.  It was like a fail-safe so I always have a choice to free myself from any blockages.  I also found out that those blockages later create mental and physical dis-eases and, if I get a dis-ease, my Inner Child always knows what caused it and how to heal it, I only have to ask.  I've spent 10 years proving this to myself and I've healed some huge mental and physical health issues which I once thought were incurable like: cluster headaches, migraines, arthritis, depression, thyroid disease, multiple spinal issues, panic attacks, common colds, high blood pressure, paranoia, dental pain and loads more.  I am learning still to take notice of myself, to be mindful, of everything about me in order to live my life free from the pain that I carried for so long.  My Inner Child has been the way through for me and I love her now just as much as I love the children I gave birth to.  I now love me that much and it shows in my 'glow'.

We are all different and that is so precious.  We will all have our own way of living life so that we get out of life what we came here to get.  I'm convinced there is no one way.  What I have learned over the past decade is that "I" am The Way - for me.  "You" are The Way - for you.  I've also come to realise that those horrible things I first read about how people felt about their own Inner Child were just reflections of what my own mind held inside me.  I was not aware of it then but I've lived and breathed this with determined focus for over a decade now, I've researched it and questioned it into the ground and back and I know myself well enough now to know that every comment I heard, saw and read was a direct reflection of my own confused and pained thoughts and beliefs.  Now that I adore and cherish my Inner Child, I rarely draw things like that to me and when I do, I get to work inside, loving and nurturing my amazing self as the Child within.  I now only have one Inner Child as I've released most of the stuck energy and integrated the healthy energy and the old held fragments that created my stories of self are totally at peace now.  My Inner Child is a glowing, golden, divine essence that fills me with wonder, joy, bliss and gratitude for life.  There is no-thing I would not do now to love this amazing miracle of me-ness and I will spend my life serving humanity because of it.

My most fervent prayer is that every Inner Child be loved by the Parent they reside in, if it is that Souls journey to do so.


ॐ ॐ ॐॐ ॐ ॐ
lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

#innerchild #mindfulness #life #inspiration #vibration #healing #followforfollow #awakening #light #selflove #raiseyourvibration #unity #spiritualgrowth #soul #gratitude #love  #mythoughts   #energy #livinglife #positivevibes #peaceonearth #remembering #worklifemyway #beingreal #beingtrue #ॐॐॐ
#weareallinthistogether #om #aum

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