Learning about Soul Reflections and Mirroring has been one of the most amazing and beneficial life tools I've ever come across. I have been blessed with many tools for healing from trauma but this takes life to a whole new level of bliss for me. Many modern day guides and teachers speak of it including the late Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Shakti Durga and many other respected and notable world healers.
For me, recognising and acknowledging that everything reflects back to me what my Soul wants me to see and learn has been miraculous to say the least. It has given me the miracle of forgiveness on a level I never knew existed; a level of gratitude I had previously been unaware of; a level of understanding I had no previous concept of; a capacity for love that I had only ever aspired to believe existed but not fully experienced.
Now, through learning about it first-hand, applying it to my own life and practicing constantly, it is becoming easier to 'flip' everything that arises and love it no matter how it first presents. To accept that my eyes can only see what I myself am is having a tremendous impact on my ability to connect, empathize and understand and on my capacity for compassion. I can now love myself unconditionally and so love everything and everyone else without condition too. It's an amazing feeling and life is feeling more and more heavenly every day.
I intuitively created a tool for myself to help me practice. I have used this tool many times and after having shared it with a few people who got excited about doing the exercise themselves, I thought I'd share it here with you.
When I have a reaction to someone (eg, I feel angry or hurt by someone else):
- I ask God to protect the energy of what I'm about to do so it cannot hurt anyone and to understand that my only intention is to heal me and not to hurt anyone in any way.
- I write a letter to the person telling them exactly how I feel and why. I get it all out without thinking about how it sounds or how good/bad it is and if I need to swear or be nasty, I do.
- I then read the letter out loud to myself allowing all of the Emotion to come to life within me so I can release that energy (I usually cry it out because that's who I am).
- I then cross out the persons name and replace it with my own. - Then I read it out loud again. This immediately shows me what ways I am treating myself that I have not yet owned or recognised. I am then able to see the blessing the other person has brought me and start the process of forgiveness while also forgiving myself for my reactions and patterns surrounding it all too. Often I'm able to see how other situations in the past have been identical providing an opportunity for healing old traumas too.
Please know that I have a lived experience of prolonged and at times severe abuse and trauma in childhood and adulthood. I don't assume your life is easy or that this will work for everyone. I am simply sharing something that has changed my life and I can only hope that even one other person will find some use for it in their own life. I pray that person is you.
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