Have you ever had the sense that you're walking a mile in the shoes of someone you've judged before?
Walking a mile in someone else's shoes may be painful at times but oh how beautifully enriching too. A few years ago I went through something difficult and as I stood crying over my own plight, I saw clearly in my minds eye how I had once judged others for the way they handled the same situation. I instantly knew in my heart that I was walking a mile in their shoes for my judgment. Maybe fear was playing a hand here but fear is ego and ego had a purpose too. Ego is not just something to get rid f or kill off for me as if I do that, I'm feeding it more energy that I don't want to. I prefer to embrace my ego as a friend these days knowing that my Inner Child is a fundamental part of my ego too and I will do nothing to consciously cause her harm. Since that day I have become more mindfully aware of the judgments I make and how unfounded any of them were/are. We are each doing the best we can in any given moment and, I can only see who I am in other people. I may struggle to accept that at times but my resistance doesn't change the truth, it just masks it, hides it from me so I can stay comfortable in my ignorance. Feeding my ego this way is like stuffing comfort food into the mouth of a toddler and is really unhealthy over time. The empty calories of distractions and the tasteless satisfaction of righteousness without love do little for the mind, body or spirit and over time, will create carcinogenic behaviours within my bodies. I still have a choice though over which thoughts I choose to think and which feelings I choose to feel. I can choose to only acknowledge and experience the sugary thoughts and feelings that create fluffy fullness on my palate. I can choose only the salty, bitter thoughts and feelings that curl my taste buds into acrid and angry isolation on the fringes of life. I can even choose to only experience manufactured and processed thoughts and feelings that mimic reality in ways I don't need to work too hard to Xperience and can blame others for providing to me. What I know now is that I choose nature - the natural thoughts and feelings that come and go like plants, trees, insects, birds and like nature herself, leaving precious footprints within and without that I can use as a path to wholeness, wellness, fulfilment and joy.
Judgment is neither good or bad, it just is. When my judgments are harsh they are showing me something I have yet to make peace with in and about myself. When I judge something favourably it is also a pointer to myself and the qualities I have in me to admire, a great place to start building self love. I can use judgment to separate myself from the rest of my world and feed my ego empty calories or, I can accept that the upside of judgment is discernment. Discernment helps me to be safe and loving, to navigate the moment as it is instead of as my ego/fear tells me it could, should, ought or must be. Judgments are like feelings, simply messengers for me to discover more about myself so that I am free to choose. More and more my eidetic memory, which has recalled every thought and feeling I've ever had, is showing me those judgments more and more and I'm using those memories to create more love. With focus, intention, Ho'oponopono and Love, I'm finding peace, bliss, joy and gratitude fills most of my time and I like it. I feel blessed to have the awareness I have now and the judgments I made in yester-moments have helped me to get here too.
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lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu
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