16 Dec 2016

Each December I set the intention of letting go of the year that is ending and of pulling in my intention for the new year ahead.  I've been doing it for quite a few years now with consistent success and my intention for 2017 is "Moving Forward".  This past year while being quite challenging, exceptional and at times downright difficult, has also been joyous, miraculous, divine and even blissful at times too.  I've achieved what I wanted at a soul level by learning to not only love and accept myself as I am but also through finding unconditional love and gratitude for people I used to call my abusers.  Now I pray for their peace and joy too and sincerely hope they do not suffer in their own lives.  The past is healed for me almost entirely and I can only imagine what may lie ahead.  I just know that in this everlasting moment of divinity called life - I am Love and I am free.

In honour of 'closing off' 2016 with gratitude and grace, I had my first experience of Crystal Dreaming® therapy last week and cleared some very old and past life energy that was weighing me down.  This week has been a week of incredible blessings received above and beyond the norm.  I received my spiritual name (Gabriella Grace) from Maha Guru Shakti Durga last Sunday after Satsang.  I felt my whole being light up with joy and even more devotion than ever before as I consciously breathed in the gift of life from the Divine consciousness I love as God.

The gifts have been steadily flowing in as they do when any new life is welcomed into the world:

  • a beautiful gift from a dear friend in the form of a sumptuous scarf.  It is white and, Gabriel is an angel of the White Ray of God whose main colour is blue, the other colour on the scarf.  The art on the scarf is nature which signifies to me Gods grace in my life.
  • a wonderful Devi bless-fest with Guru.
  • a delicate fine glass angel.
  • masses of warm hugs.
  • volumes 1&2 of The Crystal Bible.
  • a lovely meditation in the angelic temple at Shanti Mission right next to the Angelic Portal.
  • a free Lipsense® sample from a lovely lady I know.
  • a gorgeous pink quartz crystal
  • a voucher for 'flotation therapy' 
  • Total Kabbalah (book I gifted to myself)
  • New clothes and shoes 
  • Lunch with a dear friend today.
  • Great blood test results.
  • a small, powerful selenite tower
  • a 30 year old apology I never dreamed would come.
  • A freezer to store food in.
  • Time with my adorable husband after he has been working away five weeks out of the past 2 months.
  • Conversations with both of my kids.
  • Nice new manicured nails.
  • A pretty little pink Quan Yin statue.

So many blessings aside from life itself.  

When my now adult children were born, gifts poured in from all around us to herald the joy they brought with them.  It was as if the whole universe rang with the glory of their arrival and I felt a glow similar to what I feel now - the glow of the divine gift of life itself reverberating through me and around me.  The glorious and miraculous Is-ness of being and of loving life exactly as it is, no matter what has passed or what will come next.  I came into this life rejecting all that I could: breath, love, being, learning, and life rose up to greet me there.  This time I am birthing myself back into this life intentionally with gratitude and respect.  Re-parenting myself and my Inner Child is such a privilege to me.  I swore in 2006 that I would do whatever it takes and I've never backed down from that.  The love I have in my heart for my incredible, divine, natural, amazing, invaluable, precious, cherished, irreplaceable soul self is incomparable now and indestructible.  When I then glimpsed my soul self in 2009, I also swore I would do what ever it takes to become a safe Parent to be entrusted with care for the magnificence of that part of my being and now.  In 2010, I publicly accepted with honour my divine mission in this world and next year I will be growing even more fully into that role.  I'm so glad we don't generally know our own futures ahead of time because I'm sure if I'd been shown or told twenty or thirty years ago what I'm like today, or what I'd be doing, I would have rejected that too, out of fear.  I was actually shown ten years ago and I ran for the first five years!!  Now I'm just so grateful to be me and to be free.  Not even I get to abuse me now because I know my own worth.  I've always had respect for, and believed in the inherent value of others but not of myself but now I know and believe that I'm as valuable and as worthy of respect as anyone else. I always was, I just didn't live that.

Whatever my futures holds, I aim to breathe it all in and be grateful - for every blessed, intriguing, interesting, spectacular moment. No matter what emotion it may invoke within me, I accept and welcome it anyway and allow it to come and go as it is meant to.  Goodby 2016 and thank you.




lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

#innerchild #mindfulness #inspiration #healing #awakening #light #selflove #soul #unity #gratitude  #mythoughts #livinglife #love #remembering #beingreal  #divinity #gabriel #healingtrauma #follow4follow #spiritual #faith #faithful #god #grace #spirituality #trust #peace #hope #wisdom #compassion #forgiveness #thankful #knowledge #meditation #meditate #guidance

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