God has such a wonderful sense of humor! Attending a workshop today, I got some first-hand experience of the topic at hand when I was asked to share information with the group and I froze. It was an excellent learning experience for me and an opportunity to reflect on my spiritual arrogance that I have worn as fear for so long. When I believed it was fear, it was easy to stand and face it because it felt more like an external foe, something to push against, something to overpower, something to support me in staying in victim consciousness, something to wrest my power back from.
Recognising my fear as arrogance changes the whole scenario. This makes it internal and as such, cannot be destroyed without destroying part of mySelf. No, this is to be loved and surrendered to if I want it to change within me. Acknowledging this arrogance is a chance to awaken more fully, to expose another low vibration in my energy and make the choice to raise it into Light. This is another chance to heal from the heart and resist the temptations that my thinking self tries to imprison me with. This is a chance for my heart to soar and finally have its chance to lead too. Thank you head, you've been so amazing, now it's only fair for heart to have a turn before you learn to work together for all time.
This evening as I reflected on it all, I initially began to doubt myself and put pressure on myself to get up, get moving, get a life and as two or three tears rolled down my face, I felt the physical sensation of my heart breaking open with compassion and then the dam burst open wide. For 1/2 a minute I sobbed and then like magic my inner parent kicked in and soothed me with the wise reminder that all of this is why I began this stage of my journey in the first place, so I could feel every feeling I have without judgement. I'm proud of my courage, mySelf and my growth.
What a great experience and
opportunity to learn and grow👼🏼👼🏼
And today after 15 months without one, I got a fridge!! That is heaven right there for me.
Onwards and upwards
Jhundi P
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