13 Feb 2016

I'm so thankful that I courageously did so much trauma healing when I did. Kundalini is bringing all kinds of old stuff to the surface and most of it hardly registers. It's as if my brain knows it's not really traumatic and I'm not even sure that's what I mean. I was reflecting yesterday on why it was not having that same old big impact and recognising that those same memories, had they arisen five years ago, would have floored me.  As they arose yesterday, I noticed them, acknowledged them and allowed them to pass through. I'm grateful for those memories and in this moment, I suspect they are in my throat chakra as details.  I began 'oil pulling' yesterday with virgin, cold-pressed coconut oil.  I was able to do it for two minutes then and three minutes today. I aim to work up to 20 minutes each day. I really want to love my body more and the throat chakra seems to need the most love right now.  My gums, teeth, jaw, neck, throat, mouth, lips and nerves all have something unpleasant going on.  I acknowledge that with all the miracles I have received from that part of myself, I have rarely acknowledged or appreciated it let alone loved, respected or cared for it.  Right now I am grateful to my throat chakra for drawing me to the finer details of loving myself and my body.

I am writing a book and I have included a chapter about my kundalini symptoms. I'm grateful for the symptoms because they are teaching and guiding me. Through kundalini, I am becoming much more aware of and grateful for my body. I so appreciate what my body has been through in order to give me life. I have really neglected, abused, defiled, ignored, abandoned and ridiculed my body throughout my life and I feel so sad for that and about that. I acknowledge that sadness and recognise that each of those moments and experiences are unique to me and that I needed them to happen exactly as they did.  Without them, I could not have the moment I'm having now of heart-filled love, gratitude and appreciation for my body. I had a moment earlier where I felt overcome with dismay at how much I had opportunities to be healthier and did not take them up or I did but let them go again. That is when I realised I needed all of that exactly as it was. I then felt empathy and compassion for that part of myself that felt the dismay and, placing my hand on my heart, I was able to breathe love into my being and comfort me through the feeling. I was able to allow it to just flow with my breath. I love how that works.  I want to start a new blog or page about my kundalini experience and hopefully that will help someone else too.  Right now I wish I had electricity so that I can build a good page around kundalini health. I'm so grateful to God though for leading me to stop and be while this experience is unfolding for me and living without electricity, an income, a fridge or freezer is a learning experience too.  The blessing of that is that I have to very mindfully choose my food and meals and that is proving good for my mind body and spirit.

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