Marianne Williamson's reading has spoken to me many times calling me out of shrinking back but I was standing just outside this 'truth' because I did not recognise it at all. I held onto my belief that I was called but not enough yet. I feel silly even writing this, which is why I am writing it and sharing it. I may feel silly but it is very much okay to let that feeling flow through me and not stick, to stand up and take its power away through being brave enough to own it and share it. To stare fear in the face and make it get out of my way.
I have realised also that with all of the internal work I've done, I had been recognising the aspects of myself through the connections to trauma, which has been very healing and very effective overall. Now it's time to see more, to do an internal 'strengths' workshop so I can finally begin to acknowledge my own strengths as strengths and have something tangible to refer back to the next time I climb back into my once comfortable 'I'm not enough/not good enough' hole.
So right now I really appreciate all those people who believed in me while I was unable to believe in myself and, I also feel appreciation for those who did not, or right now do not, believe in me because you've played a big part in this too and I thank you for that.
Until next time