I learned at an early age that pain can come from many sources, that fighting would bring more pain. I quickly learned to yield and cower and that brought more pain too. I was silenced, beaten and hopeless and then....one day I simply stood my ground and waited for it all to pass. I remember that day as if it were yesterday. Blows raining down, trembling in fear, hopeless and terrified and I suddenly resolved to stand tall, to take what came and face it full on. I looked the other person in the eye, held back the flood of tears and......it got momentarily worse and then.....it stopped. Suddenly, amazingly, it stopped. I was so surprised and elated, I almost whooped with joy and alone afterwards I basked in my excitement. I won, I changed it!
I was a child then and it was my first taste of choice and of freedom. Over the decades since, I have learned that violence creates violence and violence is not just about actions, it is also about thoughts and feelings. What I think, feel, say and do is what I create for myself in this world. Believing this has made my life simple. It is not easy but it IS simple. When someone says something horrible or behaves cruelly, I pray that their hearts be filled with love and that their violence is not revisited upon them. I understand that they have learned differently and they too are doing the best they can...and I stand firm and reach in to my faith so that I may not stand alone. I ask for guidance and love and I receive it.
I have realised that trying to make anyone see what I see or believe what is real for me is an act of violence. Insisting and manipulating and berating and blaming, are acts of violence. I can say what I need to with conviction and courage and I can take a breath and wait when I need to. I can speak up and I can be silent and I can feel good about myself because I have been non-violent. I am not perfect and there is still much I need to do in this journey to peace. Ghandi and Mandela are wayshowers for me. They remind me that I need to be the change I want to see and if I am violent, I will attract violence to me.
So, forgiveness, compassion, mindfulness, understanding, faith, love, hope, service, joy and patience are the signposts to the peace I long for and I will stand my ground, move forward and trust that I will continue down this road to glory with a peaceful, loving heart.
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