Hello again, it's been a while since I felt able to spare time for this blog. I have a new job, a new place to live and a new challenge.
It's week 14 in my new job and I love it! I'm making lots of mistakes (=learning) and there are many huge challenges but I really am enjoying it and I'm enjoying my life more too. I have almost no time to myself but it feels really good to be working full-time again and paying tax. I am very grateful for the pension I received while I worked hard at healing my mind/body/spirit from the brokenness of the past and now I have an income again, I'm trying really hard to create a new mindset for the way I view money too. I have savings for only the 2nd time ever and it feels good! I have an account for car costs and an account for utilities. Every week, after I pay my rent, I deposit money into each account and then buy food, petrol, etc. I even have some left over! I'm really happy with how that's going and I thank God for the opportunity to learn. In my old life, when I had heaps of money ($120,000 p/a), I felt completely powerless in how to use it and although I thought I was responsible with money, I gave my power away, to it and to others so this new finacial awareness is refreshing
My new home is gorgeous. It is small and it is easy to keep clean, which is great with my health issues. I can actually vacuum now - I just take my time and not push myself to 'get into it' like I once would have. I have a massive Bhudda head in my loungeroom which inspires me to remember God/Love in my life and I have treated myself to a new comforter set for my bed which is bright and fresh and cheerful, in colours that remind me of the sea. Although my man is only here 1 or 2 days each week and I miss him when he's not, I am also enjoying my own company in a way I never have before - hell, I used to hate being alone with me and would distract myself constantly but now - I love who I am becoming and I feel inspired by all of the amazing people in my life to keep growing, learning and being.
Yep, I love the way my life is right now and I've even started dreaming of one day owning my own hoe again - hopefully, I won't give the next one away :)
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