I believe that: "when I judge another, it is me blaming them for what I am choosing to think about them" and "when I BLAME I BeLAME!!!" © JParkin 2011----------------------hurting people hurt people
22 May 2011
cosmic week!!
What a week I've had!! Thankfully I have learned a lot over the past few years and was able to surf the tide of this week, keeping in mind all the while that it would end and a new tide is bound to turn. I think a week like this would have once defeated me but I am okay today and looking forward to next week! The week started on Friday 13 actually. I still believe that Friday 13 is my lucky day so I do not think the date had anything to do with it, more likely to be coz it was a full moon this week, I say. Anyhoo, Friday 13, I forgot what day it was and missed a session of my new group. 2nd session - got lucky there coz both group leaders were away too :}...then, email acc played up all weekend and I couldn't log in (lucky nothing important in there)...Tuesday I go to start my car and she doesn't wanna play, no clutch fluid (again), so I fill it up but decide not to risk a long drive in this car and call a taxi...taxi late and overcharges me....get to where I'm going, host is sick and I don't see em hardly at all (really good friend)...Wednesday, meetings all day and find out no professional supervision this time (bummed but okay about that)...while all this is happening, Ive come down with the flu too, feel sick as a dog and wanna curl up in bed and die, but........luck turns, wed night meeting cancelled so accepted lift from bff to train station so I can hotfoot it home again and go to bed....try to drive Thursday night but gears wont engage and seems too risky to me to try so, come home, park the car and decide to get transport to group next day....missed the bus...got a taxi and then had lunch after group, walking to dr and BANG! 4 cars crash into each other right beside me!...continue on (after doing community responsible thing and talk to cops)...get to dr and she says I am not sick enough any more to qualify for EPC so I can get my teeth fixed but, gotta have fasting tests for thyroid, cholesterol and blood sugars (without a car?)...decide, bugger it, catch taxi 2 kms to get nails done (figure I deserve a treat), $20 infills have now cost me $50...so, no car, no money, no likelihood of either one changing either...good luck is just around the corner - it has to be, I need it to be, please God?...anyhoo, xoxoxoxo
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