30 Sept 2016

Fear of Lack of Control

I recall a teacher in a course I enrolled in, in 2007 saying that the underlying cause of all disruptive behaviours occurring in clients at community services centres was due to 'fear of lack of control'.  When I first heard it I paused to consider it because I was a service user at the time and although I would not have considered my own behaviour disruptive, I had seen a lot of behaviour that was.  I reflected on the times elsewhere when my own behaviour had been disruptive too so I could look for a personal comparison as I usually do.  Over time then, I held onto this pearl and applied it mentally to many different disruptive behaviours in diverse situations with various people.   I also continued to monitor myself and to question how much of my internal reactions came from this fear of lack of control.  I did find after all that, that the statement is 'plausible' as Mythbusters® would say. 

I know today that as a Soul, I am a powerful being.  My ego would have me believe the reverse is true because the ego only knows fear, blame and negativity.  It's my job to nurture my ego, to reparent myself and bring these two together so that they (I) can integrate and claim my phenomenal power again.  It's up to me as a loving parent, to take responsibility for my own happiness, learning, growth and life and discover what works best for me to achieve this goal without being a 'stage mum' or a 'sports dad' and pushing my ego beyond its own limits of endurance.  The ego needs me to believe I'm powerless so it can keep me small and accommodating.  It knows full well that the Soul has a lot of power and it's terrified of what that means for it.  The ego has no concept of team work or consensus and it resists every overture towards it too.  Because of this fear of lack of control, the ego spends its time indulging in judgments, paranoia, blame, shame, guilt and others if left unchecked.  It's a normal stage of development to do this but we are in fact supposed to grow out if it too.  

The Soul knows nothing of any of these things.  The Soul is excited to learn from it all and needs 'grounding' to be available at all.  As a team it is possible to reflect on this philosophy around fear of lack of control and own when it happens.  I can then choose to change it if I want to, and I always choose yes.  Fear of lack of control brings quite destructive behaviours to the surface.  I have often seen uncontrollable displays of this type in others and they don't create the kind of changes I desire for myself.  I would prefer to grow wiser from changes and my reflection allows that.  I've learned to surrender a lot of controlling behaviours since I first heard about fear of lack of control.  It hasn't been easy but it has been very rewarding.  I particularly like how honest I've had to be with myself to do it.  Control is as much of an illusion as anything else that is not peace and I don't need any more illusions.  Love, truth, self-love and surrender - that's enough for me right now.


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lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

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#weareallinthistogether #om #aum

One Role in Life

More and more energy from the past that once lay unconsciously unresolved within me is rising as each day passes.  Reminders appear everywhere to pry it loose and provide me with another opportunity to release the energy, freeing myself from the bondage of unforgiveness.  Holding on to those old illusions hurts, it never helped although I was not ready before to see it.  Today I'm learning to love my Inner Victim, the part of me that can't, shouldn't, must, hates, blames, judges, fears: my ego masquerading as pseudo-fragility.

That Inner Victim served me well for the time I needed it to and it was easy to think I could just blame that for my pain once I stopped blaming others but my truth is: there is no blame.  That Inner Victim saw pain and blame in everything once and the addiction was strong.  Using powerlessness intravenously to stay small, avoid responsibility, justify toxicity and escape my truth, I even tried to use suicide to hide more deeply in the darkness where it felt painfully more comfortable.  The Inner Victim didn't know that the pain was where the Light was entering me and leaving from me too.  I didn't know that what was happening was going to eventually open me up to a love more wondrous than any miracle - self love.  I was in a trap that my own mind had set, unready to see myself in all the pain.  I saw only a victim and not the caterpillar that I really was, ready to cocoon myself within my own shadow.  

Now that I've embraced my Inner Victim, I can see the wisdom of that darkness.  Letting go, surrendering, it's such a personal and unique experience.  That suicidal phase was like a dance where my ego wanted centre stage, expecting all the other dancers to fall into a chorus line behind it.  Over and over it (I) went into rehearsals with diva demands only to close each night realising there were no rehearsals.  The more I rehearsed, the bigger the ovation, the diva got noticed. Trouble was, once the audience stood to applaud, the season ended and all that was left was an exhausted diva in a dirty theatre.  Left alone to clean up the mess, I was unable to pretend anymore.  It was time to admit defeat finally and that's when the real masterpiece began to unfold.  As the credits rolled like an Eddie Murphy movie I saw that it had only ever been me in all the roles.  Seemingly separate cast members now appeared with my face in dozens of masks and I slumped in shame and guilt.  Face after face and scene after scene replayed before me as I wept in terror and angst.  I'd been so sure the rest of the cast was to blame for the show not being how I wanted it and yet here I was seeing my truth:  I was the only one there.

It took 12 solid years of learning to be safe, get support (professional and psychological), acquire information (healthy and balanced), and connect to my Inner Child to refine my act.  Determined focus, dedication, tears, tantrums, trauma and devotion were what got me through, that and slowly emerging buds of self-love.  It was the hatred and loathing I had for myself that sustained the illusion for as long as it did.  The Inner Victim had a role to play to wake me up and now I have a starring role myself: to wake up, accept the Inner Victim and claim my place onstage.  This role requires more than just turning up to perform though. This time I know that I own the theatre.  It's up to me to get to know the cast and crew; to have the theatre ready and to maintain it; to draw the audience; create the billing; wow the crowd; audition the roles and to create something memorable that serves a purpose greater than my own former tunnel vision would have graced me with before.

Now it's time to open my heart and join Will Shakespeare, J.K. Rowling, Jesus, R.R Tolkein, Cleopatra, George R.R. Martin, Paramahamsa Yogananda, Buddha, and others in delivering the story of life at my own vibration.  Now my ego is becoming more at peace.  Like any small child, my ego needs 'strokes' and it's up to me to provide them or accept that my ego will do whatever it takes to get noticed.  It's just how it goes.  I have the opportunity to parent myself with nurturing and unconditional love or to suffer from not providing that love and the choice is all mine.  I have the right to choose whatever I want and there is no blame.  Other people are reflecting what I need to see in myself.  They are doing the best they can and I'm reflecting something for them too.  It's all a scene from the movie of life and I can choose to be entertained, bored, blown away or pissed off.  It's my movie and I do get to choose.  I can only see that now though because I'm learning to surrender my old need to play every role, because I'm learning to love and accept my Inner Victim too.


ॐ ॐ ॐॐ ॐ ॐ
lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

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#weareallinthistogether #om #aum

29 Sept 2016

Vegan Stuffed Mushrooms

Vegan Stuffed Mushroom

Spring onion, sliced finely 
Red baby capsicum, sliced finely
Raw Beetroot, grated
Bio cheese

Place all ingredients onto the top of a Large field mushroom and cook in oven on 200C for 15 mins or until cheese melts.

Combine shredded kale, sesame oil, grated carrot, alfalfa sprouts, sesame seeds, tamari sauce and 2 tablespoons Black Swan Hommus with Sumac into a bowl.

Place cooked mushroom on top and enjoy.

Remembering Unity 


#Vegan #deliciousveganfood #rawvegan #yum


As I dreamed, I looked  at a flower bed and noticed it was all blurry.  At first I thought all the flowers were dead and on second glance I thought my sight was failing dramatically.  I stepped closer to the plants to double check and then the miracle began.  As I focused my gaze, I noticed particles of light dancing and swirling around the flowers.  I realised that my sight had not been failing at all, it had merely been readjusting.  As I watched in wonder, each tiny flower and bud sprang to life and I heard them quietly begin to breathe like a song.  I began to hum to them and the entire bed of flowers sprang delightedly to life in front of my very eyes.  Leaves became greener and unfurled with tiny yawns as if stretching out to greet the sky; buds opened and splayed their delicate petals skywards with joy; wilted flowers threw off blackened cloaks to reveal soft pink undergarments and as I hummed I felt my heart expand in love.  Tiny, bright particles of light materialised in all things as if life itself was wanting me to know it was alive.  Everything sparkled and twinkled to the song in my heart that was now playing on my lips.  My enchantment grew as the plants chimed in time and waved their leaves and petals softly along the gentle breeze.  The plants chorused with me and I felt sad that with so many people around me, I was aware of the need to be circumspect.  Although I wanted very much to lose myself in this newest wonder, I waved goodby to the glorious array of beauty before me and turned back to the people I had been waving farewell to before.  I awoke knowing that life had indeed brought some part of me back to life this night.


ॐ ॐ ॐॐ ॐ ॐ
lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

#innerchild #mindfulness #life #inspiration #healing #followforfollow #awakening #light #selflove #raiseyourvibration #unity #spiritualgrowth #soul #gratitude  #mythoughts #energy #remembering 

28 Sept 2016

June's Vegan Sausage Rolls

My first attempt at making my own sausage rolls.  They were ssssso delicious!!!  Next time I want to use unsweetened sauce and DIY nutmeat so it's less processed but for today I'm ecstatic with the results.

June's Vegan Sausage Rolls

2 slices Bills Bakery 100% Spelt Sourdough bread - crumbed
1 small red onion - diced
1/4 cup tomato sauce
1x 440g tin nutmeat

Mix all together and make like normal sausage rolls using
4 slices Borgs Puff Pastry

Bake at 220C for twenty minutes or until golden brown.


ॐ ॐ ॐॐ ॐ ॐ
lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

#vegansausagerolls #veganfood
#raiseyourvibration #yum #tastesensation #goddessfood
#highvibrationalfood #meatless #healthytakeaway #soulfood #makeminevegan #yesplease

27 Sept 2016

Our home

Our home is but a tiny house
In a paddock it does sit.
Surrounded by serenity
Built with humour and wit.

We built our home together
With our own bare hands we toiled.
Within two weeks we'd done it
Not one of our plans were foiled.

We spent two years on our little block
While life contracted and expanded.
Now we walk away again
Open-hearted and empty-handed.

We built our home on passion
For love outside ourselves.
Now we'll build another together
Into more love we'll delve.

For nothing gives us greater joy
Than spreading love together.
Thank you house for showing us
Just how much we can weather.

We walk away with heads held high
With hearts aglow with fire.
Turn our faces to the sun
And let the past expire.

Our future is before us
Who knows what it will bring.
As long as we're together
We'll need no other thing.


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lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

26 Sept 2016

Learning and Life

I've always loved learning but it's really only recently that I fully embraced the notion of every moment of my life and every single experience being an opportunity to learn.  It's as if I've known it all along but not quite fully accepted it.  Even now my ego wants to stay nestled in the comfort of unconscious knowledge, the sleepy dream state of unawareness and my conscious focus is to wake myself up.  If I had not learned to love, respect, trust and accept myself as I am right now, I may have still been at war with my ego.  Thankfully I have learned, and each day it's easier to recognise the play, the steps of the dance, the lyrics of my song, the child's attempts at seeking attention and strokes.  While I would have once got angry, flustered, impatient, controlling, abusive and demanding with myself, now I can notice, smile, attend and flow through it much more quickly.  Each day it's easier to say "I AM who I AM and that is enough".  

Someone once asked me how many facets of myself I thought there might be and I answered "how many cells does the human brain have?"  Although they doubted there could possibly be that many, I was sure the number could and would be infinite.  Over the 7 years since then I have unearthed many facets of my own being at many different levels, in many different ways and even though I cannot claim it was always easy, it has been incredible and oh so very rewarding.  Discovering myself layer by layer and moment by moment, seeing how all of the facets of me fit together like a natural, uncut diamond is amazing.  The fractal beauty and integrity of the lines, tones, nuances, scope and brilliance in the creation of life within each moment is phenomenal.  Sometimes the learning takes my breath away in wonder, sometimes it leaves me in a quivering heap, sometimes it fills me with joy and delight, sometimes it drops me to my knees in darkened rage and sometimes it raises me above all of life and expands me beyond all comprehension.  Still I continue to learn and I want so much to learn but more than that, I want to live - to really live.  I AM now living and not just existing, I AM now feeling, growing, learning, experiencing, being and doing with intent.  I AM no longer a 'survivor', 'thriver', 'warrior', 'follower', 'leader', 'teacher', 'student', 'wayshower', 'pathfinder', or any of the other labels my ego needs to apply to feel safe.  The only label I choose right now is I AM.  In this moment I AM and that is fabulous to me.  That my ego and soul can sit together in peace, even if only for a moment is peace beyond desire.  As one moment is all that there really ever is, that's long enough for the experience to last.  One day I might look back and string all the moments together like a chain of pearls to adorn my beloved throat or ajna chakras with but for now I sit peacefully in this moment with the unity of who I AM.


ॐ ॐ ॐॐ ॐ ॐ
lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

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#weareallinthistogether #om #aum

25 Sept 2016

Faith and Love

My journey of faith has probably been the most difficult and most rewarding aspect of my life so far.  Even in just writing that sentence I see that my truth is that my entire life has been my journey of faith.  As I have struggled to understand myself and the devoted intensity of my faith, I have drawn people to me that also doubt the sanity of faith.  The upside of it is that experiencing their doubt strengthens my own conviction.  I really love the way reflections work:  seeing how others reflect things about myself makes it easier to recognise and balance those things in myself.  It's incredible to me how many thousands of layers my ego has, to continually create ways to keep me asleep as it fears losing the control it has convinced itself it has in my life.  I almost feel sorry for it as it throws up one label, judgment or fear after another in an attempt to throw me off my path again.  Thank you ego for your incredible efforts.  Without you being exactly as you are I may never have found my path at all and I certainly would not have been able to have faith.

I'm writing about my faith in my book and there really have been some incredible lessons and miracles for me in this lifetime.  I think so far the biggest has been this past year.  No matter how it sounds to me or anyone else, I have long been comforted by what feels to me like the voice of God.  This reveals itself to me as energy that feels completely different to anything else anywhere that I've ever experienced.  I have long been aware of different facets of my own being and of my own inner voice, this is totally different and, always spot on.  It's also always unconditionally loving.  I've learned to trust this implicitly no matter the cost to me.  Two years ago I felt led to give up a gorgeous unit in town and move to my workplace of eight years.  Although I took a month to discuss it with my husband and 'reason' it out, I went ahead with the move.  It felt very right and everything fell easily into place around me as I did.  I then followed the call to live in a tent for forty days before building my own home there and that's when the real learning began.

As much as I love God and as strong as my faith is, I doubted myself at every turn.  I was sure I was mad and my fear grew every day as I unknowingly drew that doubt to me from others too.  I really struggled to believe in myself and yet I went ahead with conviction and faith anyway.  Building that home meant having limited access to water, having only a small generator for power, battery powered lighting, no fridge, only a bbq to cook on, an outdoor bathroom, and freezing conditions in winter with no heating.  As I was passionate about my work and my God, I threw myself into it all with faith and love and thoroughly enjoyed it as an adventure.  Then I got another 'call' - this time it was on a whole other level.  After years of things going right all around me, things went horribly wrong but, this time I knew that rather than allowing terror to control me as I had in the past, love would lead me through it all.  Slowly my life changed and all of the illusions I'd built up were stripped away: my husband lost his livelihood; my own meagre wage was cut in half; people around me started to become hostile, then nasty; I was at a loss until I let go.  I surrendered it all and walked away with faith, love and hope as my guides.  I felt so scared and yet it felt so right too.  I knew in my heart that it was all Divine and that there was work for me to do on myself again - deep work.

Over the next few moths I could barely function as my ego flailed around trying to convince me either that I was dying or that I should die.  My faith showed me through the illusions one after another and although I really buckled under the enormity of it all, I was able to draw on resources I've been adding to for my entire life.  Having such strong faith made it possible and, dare I say enjoyable at times too.  Giving up all of those worldly attachments gave my ego something to be okay with and I even had to recognise how much I allowed myself to want sympathy for doing it.  I found myself exploring how little empathy I had for myself living that way and also how much I judged myself for it.  It has been a very enlightening, humbling and incredible experience for my husband and I both.  We've learned so much about ourselves that we did not already know and about each other too.  Our greatest joy was getting married in the middle of it all and even the wedding was guided by faith at the tiniest financial cost imaginable.  The love on that day was so strong the people still comment on the presence of it a year later.

I have found over time that when love is all that is left after stripping everything else away from decision-making, things work out really fabulously.  Allowing my heart to make the choice, now that I know my own heart, gets results that blow my mind open with wonder and awe.  That makes faith easy.  I had been telling myself (without realising) that abundance was hard to find but for my entire life I have manifested abundance with ease and this past year especially has proved that to me.  Allowing life itself to consciously be my only support and learn that money is not the only form of abundance has been nothing short of miraculous.  I had almost no income for a whole year, no wages, no benefits.  Choosing that has helped me to trust God, life and myself more.  I have all that I need and I can ask for anything I want and now I believe that.  What greater gift I could have I don't know.

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lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

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#weareallinthistogether #om #aum

24 Sept 2016

More love

As my life energy moves through my body with more ease now, resistance is futile.  So many blockages from a lifetime of unconsciousness.  Currently my solar plexus and navel are cleansing and purifying as the blockages there release and let go.  Although I'm finding the excessive flatulence quite embarrassing at times, I keep reminding myself that it's all a part of the purification and cleansing of my body.  The toxins from yester-moments of excess need to vacate my system and there are many of them, particularly anger, that need to be   expelled.  

I'm no saint and have never believed I was but for most of my life I held onto anger in a futile attempt to control it, avoid it, or pretend it didn't exist.  Now that I can see myself in the universe, I recognise why I drew so many enraged people to me throughout my life - I was enraged but unable to accept, acknowledge, see or embrace that in myself or anyone else.  I was afraid of rage and I see now that I used that fear to justify my judging and blaming of myself and others for a very long time. Rather than regret that, I am grateful for the journey through it all that has helped me see the benefits of rage when safely and properly channeled for good.  

Throughout this past 18 months I was very aware that to recreate the energy of being reborn into myself as a newborn Soul, I would encounter rage energy within myself.  I was able to love myself enough to face that possibility with courage and preparedness.  Newborn babies internalise energy that is not cried or kicked out and that repressed energy can and often does emerge in later life as rage for many people.  I knew from the physical, emotional and psychological issues I've been living with for most of my life that I was going to uncover rage when I endeavoured to love myself into creation.  I felt ready to hold, nurture and embrace my metaphorically unborn self into existence again.  Riding the waves of that energy has been intriguing, interesting, phenomenal, magical and excruciating at times as wave after wave of unreleased energy expands, shifts, contracts and releases within me.  Masses of emotional baggage, psychological illusions and physical manifestations occurring one after the other while pockets of joy, terror, bliss, despair, happiness, guilt, glee, remorse and mirth all dance through me in wild abandon.  

This energy of rage is being used for good within me to burn through the dross and raise the vibration of my existence into a more harmonious state of being.  I'm learning to love myself unconditionally on every level and to be myself in each moment.  I'm learning how to allow the energy of who I am to flow and how to ride it instead of damming it up unhealthily.  It's all a work in progress and there may be no completion date but I'm okay with that now too.  It's easier each day to remember my breath and breath centres my energy, my being, me.  I can now embrace the pains of the past as the invaluable lessons they were and love the teachers too.  I'm finding that the energy it takes to carry unforgiveness around is much better spent on self love.  I thought I had found forgiveness a long time ago but it was conditional and now it's not.  Now I've been able to see past all of the illusions I had about the pain, the truth has finally set me free and the old cliches have meaning to me.  I AM worthy of peace and it is rising within me a little more each day.  As it rises, it pushes out any energy of un-peace it finds and I ride the wave as I can.  Sometimes I get tossed into the sea of forgetfulness again and other times I ride the wave with ease.  Remembering that the ocean is me too is helpful and I am no longer afraid of drowning. 


ॐ ॐ ॐॐ ॐ ॐ
lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

#innerchild #mindfulness #life #inspiration #healing #followforfollow #awakening #light #selflove #raiseyourvibration #unity #spiritualgrowth #soul #gratitude #love  #mythoughts   #energy #livinglife #positivevibes #peaceonearth #remembering #worklifemyway #beingreal #beingtrue #ॐॐॐ
#weareallinthistogether #om #aum

22 Sept 2016

Self Love Is Simple but is it Easy?

Self-love is the simplest idea but how easy is it to achieve?  I know for me I have spent 48 years learning it and I have now committed myself to that but I have also let go of whether or not I will reach perfecting it.  To love myself as I am right now - done.  To love myself in each moment, as I am - work in progress.  I do feel happy that I'm able to bring myself back to self-love within a very short time of any unsettledness.  Most of the time now I'm back to self-love within minutes, nurturing and reassuring or praising myself.  Mindfulness is fast becoming the habit I've long hoped I could make it.  I'm finding that guided meditation is strengthening my focus and my inner peace.  I'm also becoming aware of just how much I've incorporated meditation into my day-to-day living over time.  Meditation for me is simply mindful awareness: focussing on anything until I become one with it.  Whether it is the earth or my breath, a bird or a wall, a song or the ocean, when I tune in to the energy of that thing and merge with it, peace permeates my being and my mind simply stops in wonder and awe.

That merging sharpens the experience that my senses have afterwards and with continuing practice, builds stronger neuronal pathways in my brain.  I know that before long it's going to be very easy.  Therein lies the paradox: once mindfulness becomes a habit, is it still mindfulness?  Time to still my mind again as I enter the dream state of sleep and merge with the God of my understanding in oneness with all creation.  Sleep is my favourite meditation as I drift off with the intent of merging with my highest self and repairing, revitalising, rejuvenating, reenergising, replenishing, and replacing anything necessary to awaken revived and bouncy.  

I now love myself enough to sleep when I'm tired.  That's huge in itself.  Gone are the days I used to make myself stay awake for some unimportant reason.  I would never keep my kids awake when they were tired but for years I did that to my Inner Child, myself.  I would never have given my kids stimulants to keep them awake longer or make them perform better, or for any reason actually.  Yet I did that to my Inner Child for decades, even after I knew she existed.  I love my Inner Child/ my Child Self devotedly and I now feel merged with her/me.  

Self-love is the simplest idea but how easy is it to achieve? I'm sticking with simple.  In this moment it is both simple and easy so this moment is my focus.  Self-love is the most rewarding, fulfilling, important, peaceful, joyful, world-healing idea I've ever had.


ॐ ॐ ॐॐ ॐ ॐ
lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

#innerchild #mindfulness #life #inspiration #healing #followforfollow #awakening #light #selflove #raiseyourvibration #unity #spiritualgrowth #soul #gratitude #love  #mythoughts   #energy #livinglife #positivevibes #peaceonearth #remembering #worklifemyway #beingreal #beingtrue #ॐॐॐ
#weareallinthistogether #om #aum

21 Sept 2016

Goodbye Hello

As I pack up my little tinyhouse in paradise I'm reflecting on how much I've grown in the 2 short years we've been here.  This property has felt like my home for ten whole years now and I've had a full process of grieving to navigate through for the past year as well.  My Soul felt instantly at home here in 2006 and over time, I came to know all through my being that I was meant to be here, to serve here and to grow here.  This place became a passion for me so strong that I grew in ways I had not known that I could grow.  I found my faith here and that became so strong that it's now unshakeable.  No matter what happens in my life now, I have faith and its complete.  It's not about religion or dogma or rules, for me it's about what I know in my heart is true for me.  I've been able to acknowledge that here for myself and build on it but I must now move on again, called to grow some more, somewhere else.   

Although I was believing I had done myself a disservice through not fully accepting that faith is driving me in all things, that too was part of the growth.  Learning and growing is the whole point of life for me and when there is no more room to grow, it's time to go.  I've always planted myself, put down roots and stayed a decade, pouring myself into what I'm doing with complete surrender.  Sadly, I thought there was something wrong with me for being that way and, I judged myself for it.  Not now though.  Ten years is a strong commitment and I can admire my dedication now instead.  I know with certainty that I gave everything I had to serving here and that is what I can carry in my heart.  I feel sad that my ego led me to think I would be missed if I left and the past year has shown me the folly of that delusion.  I needed the isolation to grown and to burn off all that I have but being so shunned was quite painful.  The most beautiful thing about that was that I learned how to use pain to really, fully heal.  I had done a lot of braking before but now I've actually found the blessings that pain brings too and that is astounding to me.

I will miss the people here.  I have considered them my tribe, my family, my friends for so long.  Even this I only met once here will be in my heart always as my love is that complete.  I hope that having not seen most of them for over a year now will help a little.
I will miss my little home and my amazing garden too and the feeling of 'home' that this land has brought but already that feeling is fading.  It's time now to seek out new learning, a new way to serve and more ways to let faith lead me to more surrendered joy and peace.  This land has a transience that I've seen impacting on people again and again and I never dreamed I would be one of the people to leave.  I was drawn to devote my life to this and I did.  The me that I once was died here to rise again as the me that I am today.  I could never have imagined the blessings I have received here, the miracles I've witnessed, the joy I've found in living, the healing I've found in crying until my mind goes still.  I can no longer be who I was before and I no longer want to be.

It was a terrifyingly huge transition and a painful one but now it's done and it's time to fly.  It's time to step again into the great unknown, to pull up stumps and traverse the majesty of what will be.  It's time to take Love by the hand and leap off the cliff of whatever and know that faith provides the net that catches me in the right place.  I served my purpose here and now I will serve a purpose elsewhere.  May the wings of faith carry me into eternity and may all beings be happy and free.

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lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

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#weareallinthistogether #om #aum

18 Sept 2016


Describing experiences becomes more and more interesting for me every day now.  As I open my mind, eyes and heart to the exquisiteness of life that has always been present, I am one with it too.  In this oneness words don't capture truth easily at all.  The vibrational dance of atoms and molecules that make up existence play out all around me and inside me like Disney's Fantasia.  Tuning in to it all is breathtakingly simple and productive.  The miraculous majesty of nature provides the perfect nurturing for the senses so the ego can retreat and repose while the spirit recharges and rejuvenates.  Watching the little joey kangaroos cavort playfully around their mothers as the elders graze brings forth the joyful noise of kookaburras laughing from distant treetops.  Bellbirds bliss out in blissful abandon as kurrawongs and crickets chime in like the string section of an orchestra supporting the basso of frogs chirruping and galumping around the dam below me.  The sky is so blue that I feel compelled to breathe in its glory and fill my lungs to capacity with its vibrancy.  Life calls and I respond: ebbing, flowing, bobbing, ducking, bowing, weaving, Cha-Cha-Cha-ing, waltzing and swaying to its spectacular glory and grace.

Life for me is a pas-de-deux of form and no-thing-ness, of finding my own, unique and precious points along the continuum of the extremes of my own perceptions.  As I go from one extreme to another in all things that my Soul and ego explore, I find solace in parenting myself through nurture and observation.  At this stage of my evolution I have only to provide safety and structure enough to enable beingness.  Soon this too will pass and the gift is to sit with it in this now and 'be' into it as fully as possible while maintaining functionality and practicality.  Bliss has its place in all things and I embrace it, welcome it and revel in its availability.  Joy is a choice and I'm making it.  Breathe in, stop.  Breathe out, stop.  The world still turns without me and within me, it always has and it always will.


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lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

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Weekend Wisdom

Have you ever had a splinter or an ingrown toenail and it's got infected and is really, really painful?  You want to just dig it out but the pain of doing that is unbearable so you're forced to either hurt yourself or wait it out.  If you irritate it in any way it gets more inflamed and more painful and you cannot help but become more mindful of it because of the pain. 

In my experience, feelings work the same way.  Feelings are our body's internal warning system, one that many of us do not pay much attention to.  We are so dissociated from our physical self that we don't notice our bodies or our feelings.  Over time if we ignore our feelings for too long, they begin to behave like a splinter.  The brain starts to recognise them as foreign invaders and builds a defence (dissociation) against them.  Once the defence is solid it then begins attacking them.  As a splinter becomes all infected and gross, so too do our feelings or rather, the energy around the feelings (e-motion).  That trapped energy becomes infected too and starts to swell with the pus of decay just like a splinter would.  That's the body's way of expelling the invader.  

However if I accept that I have the wound, don't dig at it, nurture it and tend to it lovingly, it clears up eventually in its own.  Feelings work this way too.  If my feelings are hurt, if I feel angry or afraid or anxious about something, I can recognise and accept that I have that feeling.  I can focus my attention on it for a moment and observe it.  I can notice where the energy of it is within my body, what that energy feels like, looks like.  I can engage as many senses as I like in this exploration and just pay attention to this energy before asking it what it needs from me and breathing it out through that part of my body.  No matter how old that energy is, I can still do it.  No matter how huge or big it feels to do it, I still can.  All of my thoughts and feelings are just energy and it's my choice if I want to release that energy or carry it around and let it fester within me until the pressure is so great it bursts out of me in some way, just like the pus around a splinter or ingrown toenail.

Our bodies have incredible systems in place to heal us from any situation and the more we tune in, the more miracles we are capable of.


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lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

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#weareallinthistogether #om #aum

17 Sept 2016

Dear Body.....

Dear Body
Where do I begin? Perhaps with Ho'oponopono: I'm sorry, Please forgive me, and Thank you, I love you.

I had no idea what a fantastic ally and friend you are to me.  You have stood by me through atrocities and joy for 48 years now while I have ignored you and abused you for most of that time.  There have been times when I've neglected you terribly, times I've held you hostage, tortured you, drugged you, forced you, maligned you, chastised you, ridiculed you, disrespected you, hurt you, mutilated you, abandoned you and much more.  I've been so ignorant to the pain Ive caused you and I am truly sorry.  Even just now in finally owning these things I see why I had those behaviours reflected back at me through others from a young age.  Once again I see that I'm not as saintly as I used to convince myself I was years ago.  

What an incredibly patient teacher you have been to me.  You have taught me diligence, resilience, patience, boundaries, self care, devotion, healing, benevolence, love, mercy, grace, compassion, forgiveness and humility.  You gave me so many chances and raised the alarm so many times.  For so many years I drugged you with alcohol, cigarettes, pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs, overwork, intellectualising, rationalising, chatter, immobility, excessive exercise, overeating, processed and other 'dead' foods and any other distraction that helped me pretend that we were separate from each other.  When you screamed in pain I pushed you harder.  When you broke down exhausted, I scolded, berated and publicly reviled you.  I bound you in clothes that were too tight and you couldn't move.  I held my breath and you couldn't get oxygen.  I drank almost no fluids and you could not hydrate.  I coated you in toxins with perfumes, makeup, sulphates and crap really.  Sometimes the things I didn't like I just got cut off you so I couldn't see them anymore.  I was so unaware of how awfully I was treating you and yet you're still here; still giving me chances; still showing me the way to good health, joy, and love.  What would I do without you my darling body?

How can I live without you?  I don't want to anymore - I love you.  I love preparing healthy, living food for you.  I love dancing with you.  I love going for walks with you.  I love bathing you with pure and vegan soaps.  I love massaging you and pampering you.  I love filling you with breath and with fresh, pure water.  I love making you cups of Dandy Chai and Detox teas.  I love meditating with you and I love filling you with laughter.  I love being me with you and feeling what you feel and I love how you feel so soft.  You are my new best friend and I want to know all about you, to really get to know you well. 

I love you body.  I trust you; I respect you; I accept you and I cherish you exactly as you are.  Thank you so much body.  Thank you for sharing this life with me.  I feel honoured to live life through you, as you.  There's nowhere else on earth that I would rather be than with you my love.  Thank you.  A million times - thank you. 💜💜💜💜💜💜


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lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

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14 Sept 2016


I feel so grateful for patterns.  I've had a few people this past week reflecting back the words "I can't" and of course, my ego went into teacher mode in the moment.  Old habits have like to die hard and I feel happy with the fact that in those moments some part of my mind did at least register that I needed to listen to myself more.  Yesterday another "I can't" came at me and this time as I slipped effortlessly into 'teacher' I saw the reflection as well.  Interestingly for me, I took the phrase "I can't" out of my vocabulary many years ago when I discovered it is a phrase that comes from the 'child' state in Transactional Analysis.  To be fair to the child in me, I dropped the phrase and took up saying truths like "I don't want to", "I"m not ready", or simply "No".  How many ways does my behaviour say "I can't"?  When I tell myself "I can't" I am telling myself I'm utterly powerless which takes away my own power.  When k tell myself "I cant" I'm saying there is no hope at all.  When I tell myself "I cant" I am closing the door and drawing the deadbolts, locking myself into the prison of darkness and unconsciousness.  "I can't" is an illusion of my own creation and k have used it as a lie to tell myself for far too long.

Even though I had swept away the phrase of "I can't" a long time ago, I found that early last year, the "I can'ts" crept back in and I worked on them determinedly with great success.  This time I've had the big "aha" I need: the words are gone but the beliefs and thought patterns are still there and still often dominant in me.  As usually happens, when the "aha" came I was bedazzled by thousands of pieces of the pattern drawing together in alignment.  So many moments suddenly made sense to my ego and it sat quietly learning and reflecting.  Moments like these are when the real, authentic 'teacher' shines.  Ego thinks it needs to teach others but when Soul teaches now, ego sits and listens.  There are a million ways I can still tell myself "I can't" and if I was still interested in judging myself I would sit for days and count them all out but.....I'm not going to.  Ho'oponopono my love: "I'm sorry, Please forgive me, and Thank you, I love you."  

I have carried the crippling disfiguration of my "I can't" beliefs for far too long and today I feel them swarming as energy in my back, desperately trying to release and escape my body.  The muscles in my back feel alive with this energy now that I released the enormous sadness earlier in the week.  I still feel amazed by how incredible it feels to let go of everything yester-moment and breathe into now.  Once one old thing is gone, a new one emerges and, like a production line they just keep coming until there are none left and I'm standing with my heart full and my throat exposed to the sun in joy.  Life is a choice for me.  There is only one moment at all and its this moment.  I have only one choice to make and its this choice.  I have only one breath to take and its this breath.  I can, I can, I can - and I AM.


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lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

#innerchild #mindfulness #life #inspiration #healing #awakening #light #selflove #raiseyourvibration #unity #spiritualgrowth #soul #gratitude #love  #mythoughts   #energy #livinglife #positivevibes #remembering #worklifemyway #beingreal #beingtrue

The gift of my traumas

Something that reflected to me yesterday was the deaths that my ego dies in a continuing way throughout my life.  It becomes more and more clear to me each day that my ego dies again and again as every moment passes.  I read years ago that the brain doesn't know the difference between sleeping and dying; that having anaesthesia is a trauma for the brain because it can't distinguish being put to sleep and being put to death.  Trauma is the ego believing it's about to die.  The trauma I experienced was terrifying and very real and not to be disrespected at all for the power of its intensity.  It's a tragedy that many people go through again and again and again as we live and die to the truth of who we ourselves truly are.  Trauma happens when we believe we will not survive intact: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.  Even birth is trauma to the ego because it has no idea if it's going to survive coming from the womb into life.  It prepares to die so that we can be born!

Our bodies are flooded with energy when our egos prepare to die.  Every cell of our being is activated to defend or attack and our ego puffs up to hold onto itself with everything we've got.  It happens millions of times throughout our life and, we believe we are your ego so we gladly stay in the chorus line letting ego headline the act.  For most of my life I was so sure my ego was me that I stayed completely powerless and small just so my ego wouldn't notice me.  That's how real I had blown it up to be and, I had created the illusion that my ego was some huge, menacing tyrant that I needed to be terrified of.  It's not true.  Ego is a child, a small child made of thoughts, senses, feelings and beliefs.  Ego needs love, attention, parenting and nurture.  It was never meant to headline the act.  In actual fact, ego has so many facets that it is designed to be the chorus line while my Soul headlines the act but very very few people come into existence knowing that.  Like me, most people breathe into life with no conscious awareness that ego or Soul exist at all.  We go through one thing after another as our ego dies over and over again so we can surrender to the Divinity that our Soul brings forth for us.  Because we don't know any of this at all, we resist it, fight it and tell ourselves we are our ego but one day we realise, like I recently have, that it's all just a grand fabrication.  What I have believed all my life about myself and others us nothing more than an elaborate backdrop for the truth of my authentic self to act out so I could learn to surrender to my highest truth.  I am more than what I ever imagined I was and I am less than what I ever thought I was.  I AM everything and I AM no-thing all at once.

Trauma can be healed and once it is, it does not look the same at all, in fact it looks like a gift once it's completely healed.  There's not even a way to explain how incredible it looks from this angle because it's unbelievable and indescribable until you get there.  I would never have believed what I accept now as my own truth - my trauma was just re-takes in the movie of this lifetime of mine.  I'm probably up to Take 7,000,084 and I bet I could make dozens of blooper movies of the scenes of hilarity if I wanted to but for now I want to just acknowledge it.  I respect my ego and the solemnity with which I greet it today is testament to my respect.  My ego went through utter hell to get me here and I am so grateful for every moment of learning in that journey.  I promise to love and care for my ego for as long as I exist in this form in this lifetime and I know that if I don't, I will be reminded to get back down off my high horse and see to the children of my ego.  What an incredible and magical life I have.


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lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

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#weareallinthistogether #om #aum

13 Sept 2016


Yesterday while packing up my caravan so I can sell it to have money for a rental bond, I allowed myself to feel the energy of everything that arose.  I had said to my husband last week to expect me to grieve when we move.  I devoted myself to this place and these people for ten whole years and leaving is not easy.  I am committed though to allowing myself to free the energy of my being through feeling the feelings and releasing the energy as it comes.  As I packed up my photos of loved ones, I was aware of resistance and apathy, a sure sign to me now of energy beginning to stir.  This time I was ready for that though and I allowed my thoughts to go wherever they needed but did not get too hooked into them until bang!  I sat and journaled for a while, allowing every thought to spill onto the page unhindered.  This is like meditation for me.  The act of writing out my thoughts keeps me detached enough that I can simply observe them and still feel the energy when needed.  As I wrote, my mind became more and more quiet, reminding me of how often I can now quiet my mind and body by simply focusing on it when it's not okay.  All goes still then.  As I wrote yesterday, my thoughts became still and I saw the truth of the mounting pain I carried in my back - grief: sadness.

For the past fortnight I have had 'shadows'.  These 'shadows' have been companions of mine since 1984.  Cluster Headaches usually come with them but I have not had one of those now since 2013, when I learned to love them unconditionally as more facets of myself.  The 'shadows' are not as painful but still very uncomfortable in their own right and usually were precursors to Cluster Headaches.  Where I used to panic at the arrival of the 'shadow', I now smile and breathe into it, knowing now that it is just more trapped energy needing to rise up and leave my body.  I have cleared so much energy during the past 12 years and especially the last 18 months.  Last week another episode of hives covering my face, neck, scalp, hands, and chest reminded me of just how much energy is becoming unstuck now.  I feel so blessed to be healing myself at this core, DNA level.  Yesterday as I focused on the 'shadow' I saw that it sits in the centre of my spine, slightly to the left and looks like a cricket-ball-sized orb of hard rock.  I also saw immediately that it was solidified grief at the back of my heart: a hardened, steeled clump of unrecognised sadness that has accumulated over numerous lifetimes.  I wrote out a release and, as I spoke it and swept it out of the chakra using the tools I'm learning at Shanti Mission from Shakti Durga's great community, it broke free.  Enormous wails erupted from me as I poured out some of this trapped energy.  Tears streamed out of me as the now amorphous pain left my body with ease and grace.  I did some Ho'oponopono forgiving myself and the sadness, and then read myself some children's stories, nestled among my stuffed toys.  My Inner Child was so at peace and I was too.

I was able to reflect on how much more easily the energy flows now that I'm not trying to blame someone else by labelling them as perpetrators or the cause of my dis-ease.  Yesterday showed me how I myself have accumulated the energy inside and how much learning has come from it being there. It has stirred me out of inertia many times and I no longer need it for that so it can now leave in peace.  I saw all the times it has coalesced into pain, and I saw the first time it appeared in this lifetime within weeks of me nearly dying at the age of 15.  I also saw it across time and space and knew it was ready to leave now.  This sadness has found peace because I've allowed myself to feel and free all of the energy that had built up around it: anger, shame, blame, guilt, rage, grief, to name a few.  Now it's just sadness - pure, clean, simple and soft.  Last night I slept more soundly than I have in months and, I slept all night long which has not happened for months either.  I awoke feeling refreshed, positive and pain-free.  I wonder what miracle of being today's packing will bring.


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lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu
#innerchild #mindfulness #life #inspiration #healing #followforfollow #awakening #light #selflove #unity #spiritualgrowth #soul #gratitude #love  #mythoughts   #energy #livinglife #remembering #worklifemyway #beingreal #beingtrue #ॐॐॐ #om #aum #clusterheadaches

12 Sept 2016

Authentically me

I never in a million years expected to experience life the way I do now.  When I willingly surrendered to the Divine fire, I did not know or expect that everything I once thought I knew would turn to dust inside me.  I cannot adequately express how grateful I am that I got a 'heads up' before it all came as that is what I've used to keep going this past year.  If I had dreamed this up, it would never have been as fantastical as it is.  It started with shock, outrage, grief, fear and courage.  I felt the pull to rebirth myself into innocence having spent 12 years healing from the impacts of 35 years of childhood abuse and trauma.  Working tirelessly to reparent my Inner Child had led me to feeling all of my feelings, observing all of my thoughts and releasing the energy of emotions from my body to heal it too.  After the fall, I laid in bed for 3 months and expelled masses of energy that had been trapped in my body and mind for almost 1/2 a century.  I cried, screamed, wailed, flailed, yelled and sobbed almost the entire day and then at night too.  During all that I learned to truly love myself.  It is such a great feeling when you know you are that loved:  Besides the amazing gift of my senses coming to life after half a lifetime, I came to finally feel the flexibility  of allowing my emotions to just flow through me.  There was also the gift of unconditional love.

Each emotion that surfaced brought with it the opportunity to release old traumatic perceptions and energy simply through feeling the feelings and loving myself.  Day after day I arose to a fresh onslaught of tears, journaling every thought and just allowing them to flow too.  This was my meditation and I meditated for hours each day to find the stillness inside.  Each day the stillness became easier to find and lasted for longer.  Slowly I returned from the chasm I'd thrown myself into.  Over time, something rose up inside and it all began to make sense.  Then, one by one I worked on forgiving everyone from my past and more importantly, forgiving the facets of myself they had reflected.  This eventually drew me into the incredible beauty and tranquility of realising that there was never anything to forgive.  My ego needed to forgive but my Soul never did because each has a different perception of what I experience.  I found not only forgiveness then but gratitude-I now give thanks to those I once called perpetrators and persecutors.  I now know and acknowledge the love in the lessons of my Soul.

For months I've been afraid of sharing this, afraid of how crazy it sounds but I've loved my ego through that fear too.  This is who I am now and I don't know where I will take myself with it but I do know I feel more authentic and real now than I ever have before.  Yesterday while meditating I had a clear vision of those people I had once perceived as having hurt me terribly being the same gentle Masters I adore - Jesus, Buddha, Quan Yin, Mohammed, and others.  As these Masters walked towards me in loving kindness, their faces changed and became the people from my past but they too wished me no harm and they walked towards me with that same energy of love.  I bowed in devotion at each of their feet, heartily thanking them as tears of joy and wonder streamed down my face.  Now I can own that I am truly no longer a victim of my past for the pain is gone and I'm free to breathe in the blessings of this moment alone.  I give thanks for me and I give thanks for you and I give thanks that we are the same energy holding the space for each other to simply be.


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lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

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#weareallinthistogether #om #aum

10 Sept 2016


Have you observed patterns in your life?  I have found many times that everything in my life is part of a pattern.  When I first began to notice it, I thought I must be imagining it and upon asking, no one else that I knew observed these patterns.  I would often have a full day where one person after another would seek out guidance or support from me and, within minutes I would recognise this pattern.  What I came to learn and trust over time was that when this happened (aka, every moment of life), to pay attention because this pattern included me too.  Each time I noticed it, the person or people coming to me were working through the exact same core issue that I was.  Often I was able to connect them up to support each other or, gain healing of my own as I listened to their wisdom of how they were healing themselves.  For as long as I remained grounded and heart-centred, I could see this pattern and respond to it and from it with conscious awareness.    It was not intelligence that created that ability, it was love and faith.

I was once very confused by faith, afraid of faith and I was actually anti-faith for a long, long time.  I did not understand faith at all and I was not ready to open myself up to it in any way, shape or form.  I was so unready that I shut everybody else down too.  I rejected faith quite thoroughly for decades even though as a small child faith had been blossoming inside me.  What I did not know then that I do know now is that faith is not just a set or system of beliefs.  Faith is in fact, far more than any belief can ever sustain.  Faith is breath, love, life, acceptance, trust, surrender, egoless, soulful, invigorating, passionate, devoted, inexplicable and invaluable.  Faith is the reason I'm alive at all and faith is the spring in my step; the joy in my day; the Light in my darkness; the parent to the child within.  Faith holds, sustains and guides me throughout the greatest triumphs or tragedies, torments or tribulations, through all glories and delights.  Faith brings me miracles that I sometimes miss and those that I cannot miss.  I found my faith through rainbows, smiles, thoughts, music, songs, sensations, visions, dreams, trauma, words, animals, movies, my children, my husband, my experiences, my education, my own behaviours and, through the projections and reflections of other people.  Faith is everywhere I seek it and everywhere I don't too.  Faith is in those patterns I observe and faith is now who I am.  

I once rejected faith so wholly that I saw everything as another reason to be fearful.  I was hurting, hollow, numb to my feelings, and in agonising pain,  I almost died repeatedly through accidents, brutality, and at my own hand and finally came to believe that the only way to survive any of it was to get out.  I gave up everything that I once thought identified me as me just to stay alive another day because in my despair, faith called out to me like a tiny spark of hope inside and bade me to come closer.  In the blackest of black terrors, I just wanted one spark of hope, and faith was right there offering that spark to me.  Although I still fought it for many years, and ran from it for many more, I kept coming back to faith and eventually I surrendered all that I am to its wisdom and love.  

The end came again but this time I knew what it was and I knew to hold on tight.  I felt tossed and battered and desolate but faith called out to me through the storm and quelled my fear.  Crawling through the desert of isolation and abject terror, faith brought me the water of my own tears to cleanse it all from me.  Every time I fell, faith reached down and held my hand as I found my way to my feet again.  As I took one step and stumbled, faith waited patiently while I redrew my strength and dragged myself back up.  When I saw fears that were not real, faith showed me the truth of those fears and led me back into Light.  Faith held me as I slept, wept, ate, screamed, drank, dreamed and meditated.  Faith was my companion through every moment and, faith rewarded me with miracles too numerous to mention.  

I love my God with all my heart, my soul, my being.  I know who my God is and I'm learning who I am through faith.  Faith and God may be the same thing but right now, faith to me is my part in knowing God at all.  I am eternally grateful to all religions for bearing the torch for so long so that I and others, could know that faith exists at all.  Regardless of what perceptions I have or have had in the past of religion, it serves a very important purpose in this world and I'm grateful for that service.  Today as I love, honour, respect and trust myself exactly as I am right now, I hold the hand of faith and breathe it consciously into my being.  In my own way, in my own time, by my own instincts, led by my own soul, through the Grace of God and all creation, my faith will lead me ever forward to be the love I wish to see in the world.  I don't doubt it for one second.

I will continue to observe the patterns in my life as I continue my journey of faith and remember that all I am is part of that much larger pattern.


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lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu

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9 Sept 2016

Finding Joe

I've just purchased a new DVD and before I watch it, I owe it to myself to come clean.  A few months ago while watching some old movie I suddenly had the inspiration that all movies are the same basic story; all of them the same allegory.  Initially I rejected it as ridiculous but it niggled at me and excited me too so I watched a few of my old favourites again to test the theory.  I allowed my intuition to choose which movies to watch and began with Highlander, The Matrix, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and The Huntsman and others.  To my amazement I found I was able to find the underlying theme and then stayed mindful of all movies that I watched out of blind curiosity.  It still plagued me though how to explain so many differing and seemingly uncommon elements as being the same story.  How for instance, could a horror and a children's movie be the same story and how could either of them be the same as a romcom?  Then I began to realise it's vibrational: the same story told at different vibrational levels so that everyone gets the message no matter what level they are vibrating at.  I do not believe it's a conspiracy either, in fact I believe it's Divine.  This one story I can see in every movie, this one flavour, one allegory, one tale, it's the story of life as the Soul sees life.  The tale of Remembering Unity: rising from unconscious, sleeping separateness to conscious, awake oneness.  It's not coincidence, it's really there and, when I first tried to share this, I was not received well but that is because I didn't believe myself then.  I do now, I know my Soul well enough to know it's right about this and I feel excited.  Now I can watch my DVD and see someone else's take on this.

Synchronicities were abundant in my purchase of this DVD.  My husband and I were travelling back from Victoria to the Hunter Valley a few days ago after seeing my adult children and their families.  I stopped off at Oliver's so I had so healthier options of roadhouse food and decided to check out their merchandise while waiting.  I spotted the DVD and thought it might be about my own theory of films but, as money had been very tight for the past few years, I decided to show my husband and keep my eye out for a second hand copy later on.  I went to use the restroom and my husband sent me a text telling me to get the movie.  This is not like him so I took it as a sign and went out to the counter.  As the staff rang up my order I could see some problem with the price of the DVD and my heart sank a little I will admit.  They were unsure of the price and I dutifully pointed out the price on the shelf.  The sales girl thanked me and then proceeded to tell me the ticket price, $10 less, was the price I would pay.  I was stunned.  Not only had I listened to my gut even when spending money was involved (like I used to), I had also got 30% off!  Then my husband comes in to relay the story of how he got a strong urge to just buy it and to listen to his own intuition!  We both acknowledged too that as his name is Joe and the DVD is called 'Finding Joe', we are taking that as another sign: my husband because he may 'find' something he needs in the DVD and me because "finding Joe" was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.  I look for signs in every day and when I pay attention and heed them, I am NEVER steered wrong.


ॐ ॐ ॐॐ ॐ ॐ
lokah samasta sukhino 

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